🦋Chapter five🦋

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I just woke up. I want to stand up but I feel so hot but cold at the same time. I immediately take a clinical thermometer and test if I have a fever. No way. I have a heavy fever. With a fever I can't come to school. Oh...I think I know why I got a fever. Ugh...Hyunjin...we shouldn't have done it under the roof while it was raining and cold outside.

Oh...he texted me...

Hyunjin❤️: Hi, princess✨ Are you awake?

You: Yeah. I know why you're asking. Do you have a fever?

Hyunjin❤️: Yeah How did you know?

You: Because I got a fever too. I think I know why we both are sick 😅

Hyunjin❤️: 🤨

You: Come on. You know why. Don't you remember, what happened yesterday?

Hyunjin❤️: Do you really think because it was raining, we both have a fever now?

You: Yes. There can't be another reason.

Hyunjin❤️: Wonderful😑 And what are we gonna do now?

You: We're not going to school. With a fever? Never. We stay in our rooms.

Hyunjin❤️: Ok. Then good night again. I'll sleep again. Love you, princess🩷

You: I love you too❤️

A few minutes after we texted each other. Someone knocks on my door. I know it's my dad. Every morning he knocks on the door to make sure I'm awake.

As I say, that he can come in, my dad opens the door and asks:"Why didn't you get up yet?"

"I got a fever, dad. And also my nose is kinda blocked." I answer.

He comes closer to my bed and touches my forehead.

"Oh, I see. Then you should stay in bed. After school I come back and look after you. Ok?" He says.

I just nod my head and he slowly leaves my room. I'm relieved. Fortunately he didn't ask why I kinda catched a cold. So now I lay down again and fall asleep.

Time skip: A few hours later

I wake up. I feel dizzy. Suddenly someone knocks on the door.

As I believe it's my dad I answer:"You can come in. I'm awake."

I didn't answer that loud but he could hear it and opens the door. Now I see...it's not my dad. It's Felix. Why? What is he doing here?

"Hi, Y/N." He says calmly.

He looks worried.

I immediately ask:"What are you doing here?"

He answers with a calm voice:"Your dad said, you're sick. So I wanted to look after you."

He stops for a second, then he starts talking again:"You really don't look that healthy. What kind of illness do you have?"

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