part fifteen: here for now

Start from the beginning

"You think Cole's just doing whatever?" I furrowed my brows, "I think he's just trying to do his best, no?"

"I guess. Or maybe he's just terrible at showing it."

"Maybe. Or maybe it's just harder for him." I said, "He's struggling with some of his own things, you know."

I had found out about Cole's leg injury a few months ago after the huddle. It was a night at one of the first parties I had went to and Cole had told me about it as we sat outside the party house.

He had been upset over something some of the football guys had said or did and stormed outside by himself. I joined him and let him rant to me. I realized then that Cole had a lot more to him than this mysterious, hot guy.

And I knew he had to feel something for my sister. He's never exactly told me, but I could tell. Sisters intuition.

Jackie huffed, "I know that. Still doesn't mean he has to be confusing though. Not to me."

I sighed, knowing that I could indeed argue back with her to rethink her thought process, but decided that that would require way too much energy for right now.

We fell quiet again and I could tell that there was tension in the air. Not from the topic of Cole, but from what I had been getting at since I first asked how things were going.

With another heavy sigh I said, "So have you thought about what Uncle Richard said?"

She inhaled, "Yeah. A little. I feel I kind of ruined their Thanksgiving."

I furrowed my brows, "Why?"

She shrugged, "I shouldn't have brought up the thing about us moving back. It just caused an argument with Uncle Richard and George and Katherine. I just feel like we're...bothering them here, you know. Especially after what Lee said."

I rolled my eyes, "Lee was just being Lee like he always is. Don't let that get to you. And I don't think we're bothering anyone while we're here. I think everyone-"

"Don't you remember what George said the day after the huddle?" she said. I momentarily stopped running my hand through her hair as I stopped to think. Suddenly it came back to me.

"Yeah...that it was harder to manage with two more people." I answered, slowly beginning to stroke her hair again, "I remember."

"You think it's true then? That we're just a burden. Cause if that's true, then we shouldn't be here."

She finally looked at me over her shoulder, into my eyes. I could see her sadness in them, hoping that I would tell her no, we're not a burden. This was Jackie, I could read her like a book.

I shook my head, "I-"

Suddenly the door opened, revealing Katherine with a tray holding two mugs. When she saw us, she stopped, "I'm sorry. Is this a bad time?"

Jackie and I glanced at each other before I rolled over and sat up, smoothing my shirt, "No, Katherine. Nothing at all."

Katherine smiled, entering the room and heading straight for the nightstand next to Jackie's bed, setting the mugs down, "Peppermint tea. Took a guess. Is there anything else I can get for you guys?"

I smiled, shaking my head. Jackie sat up beside me too, doing the same.

Katherine nodded, but her eyes remained on both of us, her eyes wrinkling in confusion, "Girls?"

Jackie and I gave each other another quick look and I bit my lip.

Jackie was the one to fess up as she sighed, "I'm really sorry if I ruined Thanksgiving."

me and you - isaac garciaWhere stories live. Discover now