Bucky put a plate of bacon and scrambled eggs in front of me. He gave me a total dad look, silently telling me to eat. "Why not?" he asked when I took a bite of egg.

"What do you mean?" I asked after swallowing.

"Why don't you write anymore?" I took another bite and looked at the floor, biding myself time to think of an excuse. I couldn't bring myself to tell them that I stopped writing because of my ex. I was so heartbroken when he left that I stopped doing almost everything that brought me joy. "We're waiting." Bucky prompted, pulling me from my spiraling thoughts.

"Nothing I wrote ever really took off, so I started editing for others. It was a side gig at first but I picked up a lot of clients and started my own network." I looked between them, "I used to do some software stuff before I moved here to work full time. It was a good job but I wanted to follow my passion. My best friend, London, pushed me to make the move."

"Is she one of the friends from the bar last night?" Steve asked.

"No, she's still in Texas. She has a life of her own and I couldn't ask her to uproot everything to move across the country with me."

"So, you're from Texas? Where's your accent?" Bucky asked.

I laughed at his question; it took one look before I figured out he was serious. "I suppress it, nobody here wants to talk to someone who sounds like they were lost in the woods. My accent drives new clients away, I think they usually assume I'm uneducated. So, I learned how to talk like this."

"That's a shame." Steve interjected, "I love accents, I can only imagine what you sound like with one."

Bucky chuckled, "Sweet Stevie, he just wants everyone to be their real selves. Doesn't matter to him what the reasoning is."

"I just think it's a shame that people have to hide parts of themselves for the world around them. Like we always had to." He looked at Bucky with sad eyes.

Bucky reached across the island, caressing his cheek. "You never had to hide from me, Stevie. I love you, always have, always will."

The two stared in each other's eyes for a moment. I felt like an intruder watching their exchange. Both men looked at each other with pure love, like there was nobody else in the world. They were soft to and for each other and I was here on the outside looking in. I admired the love they obviously held for each other. t
Then my mind betrayed me and I thought back to when John and I were together. I was trying to remember at least once when he looked at me like that. We were together for five years and I couldn't remember a time that he looked at me with anything but basic complacency. John looked at me like I was a problem, like I was THE problem. He used to tell me that he loved me, but in the same breath that I was a child who needed him to control me. As much as I didn't want to barge in on their moment or leave this bubble of near perfect bliss, I had to get to work. I told the girls I was going home, not home with super soldiers. I should've been at the office hours ago.

"Hey, guys, I'm sorry, what time is it?"

Bucky ran his hand through his hair, "Uhhh, almost 10, why?"

"TEN?! Oh, shit, I'm late!" I jumped up. "Where's my clothes? I have to get home, shower, and get to work. Oh, man, the girls are probably already there. They're probably freaking out."

"Hey, hey, calm down. Your dress is hanging up in the closet, I washed it when I went on my run this morning. I'll drive you home." Steve said, standing up and pulling me in for a hug. "We've got you princess. If I need to, I'll write an excuse note. Dear so and so, please excuse Princess Amelia, she was assisting the Avengers on a top-secret mission." He said in a mock official tone, causing us all to burst into a fit of laughter. I enjoyed being here, in this light mood with these sexy, funny, intoxicating men. I didn't want it to end, but like all fairy tales it had to. I had a life to return to and so did they.


A little while later Steve pulls up in front of my apartment to drop me off. He parks the truck and turns to look at me. "Well, I guess this is goodbye."

"Yeah, I guess so..." I bite my lip and look away for a moment. "Hope you guys stay safe out there."

"We will, Princess. I promise." Steve's face twisted a little and he gripped my chin, turning my head. "Damn, looks like Bucky did a number on your neck."

"What?" I say, running a hand over my neck, feeling teeth indents on my skin. "Shit, I know the girls are gonna freak out when they see this."

"Really? I think Bucky's bite on you looks kinda hot..." He shrugs his shoulders. "If you're so worried about your friends seeing it, just cover it with make-up."

"Yeah, I'll try that." Meaning I'll look up how to do that. "Thanks again for a great night and the ride home."

"Yeah, absolutely..." I smile and turn to get out. "Hey, Amelia?"

I turn back around, "Yeah?" Steve leans forward and kisses me, gently holding my face in his hands. "Don't forget us, okay?"

"I don't think I ever could." I smile and hop out of the truck. I walk up the steps, turn and wave before closing my door. I bite my lip and slide down the door to sit on the floor. "That was the best night I think I've ever had." I whisper before pulling myself together and getting ready for work.

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