Truth, Dare and Asked Version 2 Special

Start from the beginning

Andrealphus: For the last time move! I just want to slap them! *Ignoring what going on as he argued me*

Me: Look I don't care. One that mean-

Andrealphus: They slap me first!

Me: I bet you were doing a long monologue that screams hit me.

Andrealphus: Why you little-*Suddenly tackle by Stella*

Stella: *disheveled, dress a mess and feathers undone* GET THEM AWAY!

*Everyone watches, confused or videos this. *

Fizzarolli: Of course, I like Ozzie

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Fizzarolli: Of course, I like Ozzie. Look at us two bitches together.

Asmodues: Aww so sweet Froggie.

Blitz: Birdie has been better. *Try not to flush. *

Stolas: Thank you.

*The two former circus imps stare at each other. *

Fizzarolli: Come here you!

Blitz: No, you come here!

*The two hugged it out*

Blitz: Sooooo-

Fizzarolli: Blitz If you asked if we can make out again-

Blitz: Just fucking with you.

Stella: *panted as she somehow got away* Fuck no!

Me: *clap*

*More Blasters arrived*

Stella: Are you shitting me?! *Getting chased again*

Andrealphus: *Horrified* None of you know class!

Stolas: Just say it or that might happen *Point at Stella still being chased. *

Andrealphus: Grrrrrr! Fine, my wine is terrible!

Millie/Sallie: *Both hugging the other and then attempting to see who can get the other in a headlock. The two siblings are having a blast. *

Striker: *hissed as he stood in front of Moxxie protectively* The little lady can but not those two.

Blitz: Possessive snake!

Striker: Damn right I am!

Asmodeus: Aww look he admits it. *Snap his fingers* Hold him down.

Striker: What the-*Gets grab by Fizzarollie* Let me go you walking trashcan!



Moxxie: *Blink and freeze as Millie kissed his cheek, pull their scarf up fast. *

Millie: *giggles* Just like the photo!

Moxxie: Traito- *Freeze as both Blitz, Stolas kissed their cheek*

Error/Moxxie Drabbles and Request!Where stories live. Discover now