Chapter two

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Luke hadn't realised he'd been staring at the new boy till one of the kids say near him whispered a little too loudly "look the freaks got a crush" Luke's gaze fell back to the desk as the boys snickered. class dragged on painfully slowly for Luke considering it was the first lesson on a Monday and it was English. Luke hated English it wasn't his best subject- In Fact the only lesson Luke enjoyed was music. he would sit alone in the practise room playing the guitar singing quietly to himself. "Mr. Hemmings" the teacher snapped Luke out of his daze "I asked you a question and I expect an answer" his teacher snapped. but Luke was silent. she sighed and carried on teaching asking another student for the answer

From the other side of the room Ashton watched Luke. something about him intrigued him, maybe it was his gorgeous blue eyes or the shiny black lip ring whatever it was Ashton was determined to talk to him. make friends perhaps but what Ashton didn't know was Luke didn't want a friend, well he did but no one would be his friend, at least that's what Luke thought. lunch soon rolled around and Luke went at sat at the table he always does. he doesn't eat he just sits there. most people assume he just sits there, but actually Luke spends his lunch thinking. he thinks about what his life would be like if he was popular , had friends , people who cared about him, to Luke it was all a fantasy something that he could only dream of. in the midst of his thinking Luke didn't notice when the new kid from earlier sat down opposite him until Ashton coughed.
Luke's gaze shot up immediately worried it was one of the jocks come to beat him up. it wouldn't be the first time. but instead he was met with a pair of hazel eyes and a warm smile.Luke just stared wondering why he had sat there "hi" Ashton smiles widely at him, again Luke just stares "I'm ashton" he speaks again. still nothing from Luke. Ashton frowned. Luke's face seemed to sadden ever more of that was possible. he liked Ashton's smile it made him feel warm inside but he wouldn't show it "what's your name" Ashton tried Luke shook his head looking back to the table wishing Ashton would leave him b. part of him wish he would stay and talk to him even if Luke had nothing to stay the company was different, something foreign to Luke but he liked it "I wouldn't waist your time with that loser" one of the popular guys said when he passed Luke's table. the names hadn't phased him, he'd been called worse. Luke looked up and ashton was still there he gave a small smile hoping for one in return but to no avail. Ashton sighed standing up and walking away. just as Luke thought, he went back to thinking how his life could have played out better. he'd often glance around the room and sometimes he'd get a funny look but every-time he looked to Ashton he'd be staring right at him. it made Luke feel rather uncomfortable. he'd shift in his seat and pretended he hadn't noticed

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