Chapter One

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◇ Swiped

The chilly air brushed against her porcelain skin, rising goose bumps along the surface as her heeled footsteps echoed off the graffiti covered walls.

Meanwhile, her dull green eyes rolled back, unimpressed by the various wolf whistles, and lust fuelled compliments shot her way by the drunks lining either side of the busy street.

"Pigs," she muttered under her breath as her feet slowed beneath the neon sign hung above, illuminating the darkened area outside the club she was intending to enter.

"ID." The large, muscular bouncer requested lowly with eyes raking appreciatively over her slim frame.

The woman, Eleanor, smiled tightly while nodding and lifting her purple clutch into sight. Then, with slender fingers reaching inside, she retrieved her identification card before handing it over.

"This you?" The bouncer challenged with brow arched and eyes once more raking along her figure and face.

"Yeah. It's an old photo."

"Obviously." The man muttered whilst flicking his gaze between the average girl in the photo and the dressed up woman before him. "Go on," he muttered before handing her the card and gesturing towards the door shortly.

"Thanks." She smiles with ID tucked away and feet carrying her once more towards the nightclub where loud and obnoxious bass music could be heard playing.


She walked slowly along the outskirts of the dance floor, allowing her gaze to skim across each figure, grinding and moving upon it - most of which being too busy to notice her.

Truth be told, Eleanor had an ulterior motive for being here. She hadn't come for fun like so many others wandering the space around her. No, she'd come here to find some schmuck to take advantage of.

So, with a flirty smile offered to the bartender when ordering her drink, she turned her gaze upon those leaning against the bar to her left.

She watched each individual man intently; studying them for any sign that they were lacking confidence with women. Then, she found him. The man who could potentially add some funds to her current savings.

He stood at the end of the long bar, a glass of bourbon in hand and an uncertain look upon his slightly wrinkled face. He appeared out of place amongst the youths, making him stick out like a rather large and round thumb.


Her eyes trailed down to his neck, taking note of the gold chain hung loosely around it. Not bad. Her scrutinising gaze lowered to his wrist where a fancy watch proudly sat, looking rather new and expensive.

She smiled and with attention briefly shifting to thank the bartender for her drink that he'd flirtatiously insisted was on the house. She moved towards her new prey.

"You look like you want to dance," she murmurs in his ear the moment she slides up beside him, causing his head to turn towards her in surprise.

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