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Arriving at the coast guard station they all climbed off the Pogue and headed in.

"Alright, me and JJ will go and try to talk, you three stay out hers, it looks a little crowded." John B said before the two walked in.

Finding a bench, Alex took a seat followed shortly after by Pope. "So" Kia began looking at Alex. "Anything interesting happen in the past 24 hours?" She asked looking at Alex.
"Besides the boat, no, why?" Alex said.  "Oh no reason sunshine' she said with a teasing grin causing Pope to laugh.
Rolling his eyes Alex looked down. "Oh come on, you can't tell me nothing has happened." Kia said kicking Alex's foot. Looking to Pope for help the boy smiled and shook his head.

"Sorry but Kia's right, between toy two apparently staying up together, and the names, something has to be up." Pope's said. "Aw, you guys stayed up together. Is that why your talking so much today." Kia asked with the same teasing smile as before.

Before the boy could answer JJ and John B came back out and made their way towards them. "No luck, they wouldn't listen." JJ said playing with a pen thay he got off the desk inside.
"So what's the plan?" Pope asked d as he and Alex stood. "I think I know how we're going to find the guy that owns that boat" John B said shaking the motel key.

"No, no. We don't know who's room that is. It can belong to anyone" Pope said sounding worried. "I'm in" JJ said grabbing the key and throwing it to Kia. "Come on, we'll be look out." Kia said before grabbing Alex's hand pulling him along.

Soon they arrived at the motel. 'I thought the Chateau looked bad" JJ said with a whistle. 'Motel or meth lab." Kia said. "You be the judge" Pope and Alex finished.

"Doesn't look like a person with a Grady White would stay" John B said. "No, it looks like where they would be killed. "And yet we're still going towards it." Alex said receiving looks from the rest of them.

"What just saying, going to a place that looks like you could die in, you might actually die in" the boy said with a shrug. "I think I liked quite Alex more, he wasn't such a downer." Pope said as the neared land.

"Don’t worry Art, I'm sure JJ wouldn't let you die" said with another teasing smile causing Pope to let out a laugh. "Yeah l, don't worry sunshine." JJ said smiling as he went to the front to grab the anger. Turning towards Kia, Alex sent her the finger causing John B and her to laugh.

"Alright here we go" John B said. "Thus us your captain speaking. HMS Pogue coming in for a landing." JJ said before hopping down with shout.
As he tying up the boat John B hoped off. Looking at his phone he saw that he had a message from his mom. "Yo, Art you coming?" John B asked. "Not this time, mom texted, got to respond or she will send the cops after me." The boy said waving his phone.
Before the boys left, Kia exchanged a few words with JB while Alex talked to his mom.

After a couple of minutes of talking about random things something caught Pope's eye. "Shit, it's the cops" the boy said causing the other two to look up.

"Should we warn them?" Alex asked. "I can't, I have no service." Kia said. Sighing Pope got out of the boat with the others following him. Reaching down, Pope picked our a rock and tried to throw it at the window, key word tried.

"Dude seriously" Kia said picking up her own rock. "What I was in the math team." Pope said causing Alex to let out a small laugh. After a few seconds they saw JJ and John B climb out of the window and stand on the ledge.

Running back to the ship the three of them sat down and tried to appear normal as they watched the two boys. Suddenly something fell out of JJ's pocket making a chatting noise.
"Shit" Alex said as a cop appeared in the window and began to look around. "Act normal" Kia said before fake laughing with the two boys joining in. Soon the cops left and the two boys climbed in.

"Well, that was fun. You could have warned us a little sooner." JJ said once they had left. "We would have, except Peep was on the math team." Kia said.

"You where in the math team?" JJ asked. 'The cops took everything like it was a crime scene" John B said before Pope could answer. "Did you guys find anything?" Pope asked. "Did we find anything." JJ said as he got up pulling out a gun and a stack of cash.

"Oh, what the fuck man." Alex said putting his head in his hands. "Are you crazy, why would you take that from a crime scene.” John B said. “Would you rather it go to the cops.” JJ said. “Oh my God, I’m going to lose my scholarship” Pope said as he passed back and forth. “Hey, hey, hey” JJ said standing. “Can you drop me off at my house?” Alex asked John B while JJ talked to Pope.

Soon after they pulled up to Alex’s dock. Giving them a wave Alex got of the boat and began to walk up the dock as they rode off.

“Mom, Dad.” Alex called out. “In here kiddo.” Alex’s Dad called out from the dining room. Walking in Alex saw his parents setting at the table. “Hey” Alex said sitting down. “Hey sweetie” His mom said. “So, what’s up?” Alex asked. “Well, honey, we’re a little worried, it’s just that, we have heard things from some people about the company you have been hanging with.” His mom began. “

Now before you say anything, we trust you to make the right decision, and we know that if something happened you would tell us, so we just wanted to talk to you about it.” His Dad said before Alex could object.

“What type of talk?” Alex asked. “We just want to make sure your not doing anything illegal.” His dad responded. “Like we said, we trust you, but we just wanted to make sure, check in you know.” His Mom said.

“Well you don’t have to worry about anything. I have officially been banned from drinking again by the group, now I’m stuck with juice and water.” Alex told them. Which was true, he himself agreed to take a step back from drinking until he feels like he could hold his liquor.

“That’s good.” His Dad told him with a smile. “Did you say drink again?” his mom asked. “Run Alex, run.” His dad said with a laugh. Getting up Alex ran to hi room laughing.

A couple of hours later Alex received a text from JJ.

JJ- hey turns out the boat belonged to scooter grubs would has kicked the bucket
Alex- What!?!
JJ- Yeah so now where having a party at the bone yard, want to come? There will be lemonade just for you ;)
Alex- sure
JJ- great, will pick you up

Turning off his phone Alex let out a sigh. “Well this just got so much worse

Ch.4!!! Alex has a mood shift from the previous chapters and is talking more, will it last? Who knows?! Don't forget het to leave a comment and vote!

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