“Okay first these tunnels I remember where to go, but I think we need some help getting out friends back, so we need a plan” King Branch said “Yeah, already have a plan go to Bergen Town and Rescue our friends and go home” Poppy said “That's not a plan that's a wish list here the plan King Me show us the way to the Troll Tree we go to rescue your friends and get-” King Branch understood the paranoia younger him had but “I'm standing here Me here the plan I'll show you where to go, but we go to them Bergen Golf Course and get some help by two trolls I know who can help” King Branch said

“Oh, who are the trolls?” Poppy asked and Branch looked suspicious. “Well Princess Viva and Clay, your Big Sister and Our Big Brother” Branch looked shocked while Poppy gasped “I have a sister! Branch, you have Big Brother!” King Branch rolled his eyes fondly. 

“Poppy calm okay follow me these tunnels are old” King Branch can feel the practical unease his younger self has while Poppy kept speaking about her sister wondering why her father never spoke about her

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It took roughly 10 minutes to reach the golf course with the Putt Putt trolls even when entering he felt them shift through they don't trust them and he understands

Branch looked at his older self with happy? He's married and has a kid, and he will get that, but at the same time, he feels mad did he forgot what happened, what brothers did. They don't know what happened to Grandma.

He didn't notice them stopping until the earth shacked, and a giant clown started speaking “Halt, who goes there?” King Branch stepped forward “We're not looking for trouble we're just looking for our brother Clay” King Branch said as Poppy kind of his behind him “Wait a minute, your trolls?” King Branch did a silent chuckle, “And you're a clown”.

A yellow golf ball came out and there a Troll popped out of it. “Oh my gosh HELLO my name is Viva!” Branch groaned “Oh hair, she feels like Poppy” Branch muttered as he looked away “It's so fantasamazing to know other Trolls” Poppy went to her Branch “Is this how people feel when they meet me?” “Yes” “Am I being a lot sometimes I feel like I can be a lot”

“Listen, we're here because we need help from the Bergen's-” a scream was heard as everyone ran away and went into hiding Branch like them already “Oh yeah why try not to use that word at all” Viva said until a Lime Green Hair Troll came out from the dark “We don't interact with them” Clay it was Clay Branch breath hitch

Clay looked at the trolls and his eyes meet Branch, “Bitty B?” Clay ran towards Branch, “Your Grey?” Clay said worried “No, thanks to you guys” Branch said quietly, but Clay heard it “What do yo-” “Hi Clay” Clay turned around and saw another Branch who's Blue a beautiful Blue muddled but Blue “Okay, please tell me this is a dream” King Branch shook his head “Listen the Bergen's took their friends, and they need help of course I know my most serious brother can help” King Branch Hug Time Bracelet went of and Viva hug Poppy “Hug Time! Wow, that hug time bracelet is so cute. Where'd you get it?” Viva asked “Oh my Dad gave it to me” Viva looked interested “Okay funny story I used to have one exactly like it. Can I wear it?” Poppy nodded and let her wear it as Viva touched the petals and it glowed “Okay another funny question, is your Dad King Peppy?”

Poppy nodded as Viva's eyes went serious and looked at Poppy, studying her until she looked so happy “Oh my gosh your alive!” “I'm alive!” “Poppy it's me, your sister!” “I know Branch told me the blue one” King Branch waved, “How? How did you know where we were?” Viva asked.

“I'm from the future. I'm here on accident, but I can't explain everything right now. We need help to free some trolls from the Bergen Chef” Clay and Viva looked scared. “Clay you owe it to younger me, trust me if you start now you two can be brothers again” King Branch saw they past version of him and Clay look at each other “It's not that simple” Branch said looking furious “I know, and I'm you I use to be you” Branch clenched his fist

“Branch… I owe you more than an apology. I know they're more than me that turned you Gray, but please let me help” Viva looked at Clay “Clay but Bergen's?” Poppy grabbed Viva's hand “Viva I know we just met, but my friends are there. We need to save them” Viva looked at them, and she was scared, and King Branch grabbed her shoulder “Viva look King to Princess-” “Wait you're a king” Clay interrupted “We are all scared, and I'm from the future but without fear we don't know what walls were preventing of getting I feared being outside, of myself I hated singing, dancing, and everyone I wasn't until I saw my Poppy I broke all of those hates because I wanted to lift her up like she always did to everyone”.

Everyone looked at the future King “But it's not safe” Viva stepped back, and King Branch grabbed her hand “It will never be safe until we learn to put one foot in front of the other” King Branch showed her that gates “As your future Brother-in-law and Father of your future niece or nephew do it for us for them” King Branch open his hair showing the egg once again as Clay and Viva gasp King Branch grabbed the egg and gave it to Viva 

Viva held the egg and looked outside and took a step “I'm still scared” Viva said and Clay followed her “Everyone will be its normal” Viva nodded as Clay held the Egg “Hi, I'm your Uncle Clay.” King Branch grabbed the egg with a smile and place it back into his hair “Okay let's go save your friends” King Branch smiled while Poppy looked at Branch 

“You have a way of words” Poppy said as Branch huffed “That's him not me” Poppy just shuffled “But it is you” Poppy told him “You make a pretty good king if this is our future” Branch rolled his eyes not for much longer

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Poppy woke up at the beach of a warm sun as a Troll went to check on her, a rather attractive troll with long purple hair

A King in the PastWhere stories live. Discover now