CHAPTER FOUR, well i wonder

Start from the beginning

Juliette laughs. The melody of which, light and gentle, melted the harsh lines of seriousness wrinkling her grandfather's features into a deadpan, "You're funny, papi. I might be dramatic, but definitely not immature enough to throw a tantrum for attention."

"I am being serious, Juliette. You can't be drawing attention to yourself like this knowing how these teachers will react."

"Exactly!" She exclaims, combing her fingers through her hair. "Whatever the administration told you about what I did during class was most likely embellished to make it seem like my punishment was justified. If anything, I was just defending my character!" (If you even considered her cut off pleas as defending, the poor girl couldn't even get more than four words out before being interrupted and sent away. Juliette didn't consider it fair, but then again, nothing about this whole situation was.)

Her grandfather lets out a long, drawn out sigh, defeated in the way of not wanting to press any further on the issue. He spent the entire day worrying about his poor granddaughter, he did not want to worry longer than he needed to knowing she was safe and sound right in front of him. He nods, whispering out an 'okay.'

"I did have to tell your parents, though," he reveals slowly as he watches her face fall into an unreadable disposition, "I promised to keep them updated with you as well... expect a phone call sometime this evening."

Her mouth drops as if to say something, but ultimately nothing comes out. Nothing but the ghost of the words stuck at the tip of her tongue, waiting to jump but keeps second guessing itself. Juliette's rose-tinted lips pursed into a fine line, quickly nodding. As she steps away towards the stairs that led up to their apartment, the strap of her book bag slips from her shoulder, forcing her to re-adjust swiftly.

"What did mamie say?" Juliette asks, one leg bent atop the first step. She wondered if there was going be a fourth person disappointed in her today.

Èugene shakes his head, "she has been resting all day, I didn't want to worry her."

"I see." Juliette pauses. Bitterness was still drenched all over her tongue, her voice lingered as she trekked up the stairs, "I thought mamie didn't like being left out of things."

Her grandfather didn't answer, or rather, she didn't stay around long enough to hear his answer follow her up the flight of stairs as she closed the door behind her already. The television droned in the background at a light volume, just a few notches away from muted as Juliette's eyes land on her grandmother, sleeping solemnly in her usual spot. She trudged her way up another set of stairs with its familiar creaking floorboard at each of her light steps, she entered through the door on her right and stepped into her mess of a room.

     A meow catches her attention, one of curiosity and a greeting all at once as she finds her cat perched atop her wardrobe. As much as it worried her at the fact Bonbon managed to make her way up there, Juliette could not help but squeal at her pet's adorable feline face, tucked paws, and glowing blue eyes which sparkled in certain lightings.

"How on earth did you manage to get up there, girl?" She says, stretching her arms above her and scooped up Bonbon's front legs.

     She yelps dramatically, mewing and grumbling that her beloved owner moved her away from her special spot.

     "There, there. You'll get back to your new spot eventually."

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