Part 11. First Job Of The Company.

Start from the beginning

I walked away from the mirror and sighed heavily and began to get everything ready and put it on the sette, ready for me to just go out the door, even though I was re-thinking doing so. I sat for a few moments, before not letting my anxiety get the better of me and prizing myself up from off the sette. Before leaving, I left a note for the boys telling them that, I had headed out and to not worry about, what time I should get back. I put on my coat, slipped on my shoes and headed out the door, closing it behind me and leaning up against it to steady myself. I looked at where Tommy and that woman were earlier and they had gone. I shook off the what if, they were together and went to go and meet Tommy.

Firstly, I went to check the Garrison, as that was the only place I could think of that he would be. As last night, he didn't give me any clear instructions of where he would be. I walked down the street in a slight hurry, as I was a little late, my feet couldn't keep up with my legs, so I kept tripping up every other minute, my kitten heels getting stuck in the cracks of the pavement, at one point I felt as though, I was going to go head first and fall over. I got to the Garrison, to notice that the doors were locked, as I tried to pull open the door, by the handle but got no luck. I stood puzzled for a moment, before shaking it off and fishing the keys to the pub, out of my bag and unlocking the door and making my way inside, locking the door behind me to prevent anyone from following me inside.

I looked around to see if he was anywhere within sight, but no luck the place was entirely empty. I walked over to the bar and put my bag upon it, whilst taking off my coat and putting that on top of it too. I went round to the other side of the bar, grabbed a small whiskey glass, at first I was shocked at myself for doing such a thing, but I think my body was trying to tell me something and that I needed a drink, to help calm my nerves. I then, came to my senses and put the glass back down, luckily I did before a sudden voice echoed around the empty pub, from the other side of the bar, scaring the absolute shit out of me. "Get another glass!". The voice boomed from behind me. I jumped around in shock, before realising who it was. It was Tommy, he must have been in the snug, which is the one place I forgot to look.

He smiled and put the glass and bottle down upon the bar. "If you scare me one more time, I'm ganna...". I replied, out of breath from shock. To which I recieved an arched eyebrow, from Tommy. He then, nodded towards the glasses behind me, for me to grab one. I did just that, as Tommy was already pouring himself a drink in his glass, before he poured some in mine. "Not to much!". I shrieked slightly, as he was just about to put the liquid into my glass. No words were exchanged after that, the only sound that could be heard, was for glugging of the whiskey hitting the glass, as it was being poured and the cork being put back on the bottle.

Tommy then, raised his glass and I took mine from off the bar and held it in my hands. "You make a toast?". Tommy asked me. "What for?". I asked puzzled. Tommy said nothing and waited for me, to just say something. I scoffed. "I'm a  northerner, toasts are our speciality". I continued. I stopped to think of what to say, for a moment until something decent, came into my head. "May you be in heaven a full half hour, before the devil knows you're dead". I said, as I began to chew on my lip, nervously waiting to see what Tommy, might reply with. To my relief Tommy said nothing, other than nod his head in approval and lifted his glass up for me to clink mine to his.

I lifted my glass and did just that, as we both then took a sip of the whiskey, Tommy downed his in one mouthful, where as I just sipped mine slowly, not really liking the taste, as I wasn't used to drinking. "What are we celebrating?". I asked curiously. Tommy, then pulled out a sheet of paper. "Contract of employment". He replied, as he put the sheet of paper on the bar. I then scanned the words upon the sheet of paper and began to read them out loud. "Bookkeeper, Shelby Brothers Limited". I said delighted, at what I was reading, finally I was going to do something else, other than pull pints for a living, for the rest of my life.

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