S3 ep 8: You've been unfriended

Start from the beginning

"too late Mackenzie i want you side the floor the opposite direction." we hear Christi and Kelly fighting and we all look up
"let's go" Abby says to get our attention back

|Three Days To Competition|
|Group Rehearsals|
we start going through the routine
"oooh you're knees bent" Abby says
"Paige you should be the outside of Nia"
"let's move Kendall back and pull her up a little taller"
"uhh you girl in the front move over to the right you shouldn't be in the centre move, Evie move to where she was and get into a middle split so Maddie can be seen." i move to where Chloe was and i get into a middle split, then we go from the top of the routine

"alright we're gonna break right now, you have one more day to work on this dance and that's it one more day."
"thank you." we say and we leave

|Solo Rehearsals|
"so your solo this week is called Its you because it's all about you, Everything you do, people are always looking at you, it's a pretty lyrical solo with a lot of turns." Abby says and i nod and we learn my solo and it has a few turn sequences.
we go from the top and then i'm dismissed, this week Abby really wants me working on my turns so i'm having a turn class we do some second turns and i manage to do 24 which i'm very proud off.

|Competition Day|
we arrive at the competition and we head to the dressing room
"girls remember you are in fortwaterdale i mean these kids down here dance, dance is apart of their culture so you need to focus this is all about the technique" Abby says and mom does my hair and i then go stretch with Maddie.
"Christi you're awfully quiet" Jill says
"where's that spunk?" Holly asks
"all gone." Christi says
"you're not a wallflower." Jill says
"maybe i've turned over a new leaf" Christi says

" Jill says"maybe i've turned over a new leaf" Christi says

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Evies solo costume:

"Oh that's beautiful!" Mom says and I smile
"Evie you're a natural just have the technique and acting and you'll well the entire thing" Abby says to me as she fixes up my costume. Then she calls over Maddie and i go over to warm up more, after Abby talks to Maddie.we go over our solos before Abby calls us to go backstage

"girls duet, Paige you don't need to be goofy it's fun it's hot you should look beautiful, you've had two weeks to work on this routine" Abby says
"they haven't really worked on it for two weeks Abby they literally-" Kelly says
"I KNOW! that's my point! they don't self motivate themselves they don't give out their work on it!" Abby yells
"well give them time to work on it, we had privates but we weren't able to go them but Maddie and Evie went to theirs." Kelly says,
i stop my dance to look at Kelly and Maddie snaps her hands to tell me to keep going and to ignore them

"you are so jealous of those kids my god." Abby says
"i'm not jealous of the twins!" Kelly says
"you're jealous that i'm talking to them, that i'm telling them the same thing i tell them every week." Abby says
"exactly Abby we're going on a couple after them you make sure their makeup is perfect their costume is perfect you haven't looked at these two at all!" Kelly says
"well you handle her makeup she's your job." Abby says

"well maybe Melissa should learn how to do makeup this is Melissa's job too" Kelly says
"Melissa's never walked into my studio and said her children are my job, never." Abby says
"well i don't need a job." Kelly says
"i know but your kid still needs to point her feet." Abby whispers

"well that's your job to teach them" Kelly says
"no! money can't buy talent!" Abby says
"this is Brookes first solo back let's see if it's her last solo on the team, girls go out there and dance today and don't make me sorry that i let you do it" Abby says to Brooke and then Paige and Nia, we head backstage to do our solos.
i hug Maddie "be amazing" i say
"this is Maddie with You Don't Know Me" the
announcer says, Maddie enters and so her solo and she's nailing it she finishes her solo and she exits the stage.
Maddie exits across from me so before i go on Maddie blows a kiss and i blow her one back

"this is Evie with Its you" the announcer says, i enter and i start my solo i make sure my emotion and technique is clean. i do my last 10 turns into my leap and i do my ending bit i look up and i hear the crowd cheer i roll and stand up and exit the stage. Maddie hugs me and hands me water.
"that was so good" Maddie says
"thank you" i say
Brooke enters for her solo and she does very well i'm forever impressed by her i hope i dance like Brooke one day she finishes her solo and she exits the stage.
The duet is up next and they enter and nail the whole thing this dance was really made for Paige her acting is so good. they finish and i clap offstage for them.

we head back to the dressing room and me and Maddie run over to Abby and she hugs us both so tight "you were both so good" Abby says

we head back to the dressing room and me and Maddie run over to Abby and she hugs us both so tight "you were both so good" Abby says

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group costume:

we head backstage to perform the group and i'm really excited i love the number
"okay coming to the stage in our junior category is entry number 23 titled Money Is The Root of All Evil" the announcer says, we start the dance and i make sure to give my sass and to make everything clean.

I do my turn sequence and i go into my middle split and i lean on my hands while, Maddie reaches over me

"we are ready to begin with our divisional overalls we are gonna start of in top scoring elite junior duo/trios" the announcer says
"fifth place with a score of 261 points is act number 15 the divaless sway"
"fourth place with a score of 263 is act number 18 the wild child and the wallflower" we clap and Nia goes to get their award

"moving into our teen solos"
"in sixth place with a score of 280 is miss Samantha"
"in fifth place with a score of 284 is miss Brooke with careless", we clap for Brooke and she gets her award and sits back down

"ladies and gentlemen your second runner up for our junior solos is miss Megan with act 11 somebody"
"you're runner up for our elite junior solos with a score of 284 is miss Maddie with You Dont Know Me." The announcer says and i clap for Maddie as she stands up to get her award
"ladies and gentlemen your highest scoring elite junior solo at with a score of 291 is miss Evie with Its you"i beam and i stand up and i get my plaque.
Maddie hugs me and we take a bow and sit back down

"moving into our elite junior small group"
"third place is act number 21 electric"
"your runner up junior small group division is act number 20 respect"
"and last but not least ladies and gentlemen your highest scoring elite junior small group act number 23 Money is the root of all evil" the announcer says and we jump up screaming and i hug Maddie.

"name your studio 123"
"Abby Lee Dance Company" we say and we take a bow, then we head back to the dressing room
"alright ladies yay, Brooke you made the top 5 congratulations i'm very proud of you, Paige and Nia top 5 you were fourth that was excellent and Maddie well done top 3 and Evie congratulations."
"beating two boys" Abby says to me
"you were amazing Evie and Maddie" Kelly says, then Christi and Kelly leave to talk.

"okay girls wanna pack up to go" mom says and we nod and we pack up.

Evelyn Ziegler (a dance moms fan fic) Where stories live. Discover now