Professor Maxwell's office.

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Today was day one of exam revision. And as expected, Hermione was taking this very seriously. She gave everyone homework and revision planners and made sure they all studied for at least an hour. 

It was a living hell for the boys. Ron had started to get bags under his eyes and Harry was thinking that the levitating charm could disarm someone. 

The only thing they were all on was stealing the book from Fiona Matts. Fred and George hired some of their third year friends to keep an eye of Matts and to inform them about her daily schedule. 

Nowadays, during lunch Harry and Ron always sat on the side of the table that was facing the Hufflepuff's. And always tried to snatch the book from Matts. But they were never able to do it. 

'This is a way too much. We have exams in three weeks and we're also trying to steal a bloody book from a third year!' Ron said. 

'Maybe we should leave the whole book robbery to Fred and George and focus on our exams.' Hermione suggested. It sounded all right but that would mean Fred and George might not be able to study for their exams. 

'Doesn't matter. We'll do both. But we'll have to focus more on exams.' Olive said. Everyone else agreed. 

A week went by and Fred and George still haven't managed to steal Matt's book. The one thing everyone was able to do though, was revise for exams. 

Professor McGonagall came out to the Gryffindor table and headed everyone their schedules for exams. 

'We have Herbology first. Then Charms, Defence Against the Dark arts, Potions, Transfiguration, History of Magic and Astronomy.' Ron read out. 

'Charms, Herbology, Transfiguration, Defence Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic, Astronomy, and Potions.' Ginny said after. 

'You have Snape last? Lucky you!' Harry said. 

'Ms. Wood, Mr. Potter, Professor Maxwell would like to see you in his office.' McGonagall said. olive looked at Harry with worry. They had already returned his map after finding the secret passageway, so what would he want of them now?

'Be careful.' Hermione whispered to both of them. They nodded and followed Professor McGonagall out into Professor Maxwell's office. 

'Wood, Potter! How loverly to see you two again.' Maxwell said when they entered. Olive could tell by the feverish look on his face that they walked in when he was busy. 

'Oh, sorry, Marcus. Did we come in at the wrong time?' McGonagall asked. Marcus must be his name.

'No. no of course not! Please, have a seat both of you.' he said stuffing something into his drawer. 

Olive and Harry both sat down worried and watched Professor McGonagall leave. The door closed with a creak and the three of them were left sitting in absolute silence. It was then Olive fully noticed the fact he was wearing a turban. 

'Now, do you two remember when you returned me that scroll you found in the Great Hall?' Maxwell asked, breaking the silence. 

'We do professor.' Olive replied. 

'Yes, well,  Professor Snape told me saying that you two might have stolen the parchment from me when I dropped it.' Maxwell said. 

'Stolen it? Professor why would we steal something that obviously won't be of any use to us?' Harry asked trying his best not to sound like he was lying. 

'All right then, I guess Snape just got into my head there for a moment. Now, of you go. I suspect you have loads of revision to complete. You better get an 'O' for my class.' Maxwell said ushering them out of his office. Once they were out, Professor Maxwell's shut the door as quick as he could. 

'What was that all about?' Olive asked. 

'I have no idea.  Hey, do you think that folder he was stiffing into his desk was the targets file?' Harry asked. 

'Might be.' Olive said. 

Just then, Professor McGonagall came in. 

'Potter, Wood. both of you need to come in to the Great Hall now. Dumbledore is making an announcement about the Quidditch Cup.' She said. bouncing. Gryffindor had won the last two match against Slytherin and Ravenclaw. All they needed to now for the finals was beat Hufflepuff.

Harry and Olive smiled widely and ran past McGongall into the Great Hall. They sat back down in their seats next to Ron and Hermione.  

'What happened?' Ginny whispered.

'Noting much. Maxwell just thought we stole something from him 'cause Snape got into his mind.' Harry replied quickly.           

'Thank you all, for listening. As everyone here, knows, the final Quidditch match is Gryffindor against Hufflepuff. It has been rescheduled to next week. Captains of the teams, take note of this.' he said. 

Harry and Olive were too shocked to even eat their food. They had to plan Quidditch strategies, steal a Charms textbook and prepare for exams!

'Why does it have to be us?' Olive sighed. 

'Don't fret, Olive,' Fred said. 

'Because, we've already nailed down one of them for you.' George finished. 

Olive looked up at them and George whopped out Matt's Charms book. 

'Perfect!' Harry said said a smile creeping on his face faster that lightning. 

'Now all we need to do, is perfect the charm we need to learn and try using it in the cat.' Hermione said. Both of them needed to dot it because the cat is ginormous. It'll take more than one person to do it. And they're the best at spells.

'Now, Olive we have another problem about the Quidditch final.' Fred said. 

'What is it?' Harry asked. 

'Matts is the Deputy Captain. If she finds out that we stole her book, she's going to go all out on Olive when she's trying to find the Snitch.' George said.

'Oh crap.' Olive muttered. 

'You need to learn it quick, then. If you can do it before the match nothing'll happen.' Ron said. Everyone agreed with him. 

A first year learning a third year spell might take a lot of time and a lot of effort but Olive decided she will do her best and will not stop until she masters it. 

'Bloody hell, this is a rough year.' She said. 

'The others will be way more rough.' Harry said flinging his arm around her shoulders as they walked to the common room. 

Olive Wood and the Cup of PotionsWhere stories live. Discover now