Francesco, watching the family banter unfold, couldn't help but smile at the energy and humor that filled the room. "Alright, enough predictions for now. Let's focus on welcoming our newest family member."

With the announcement of Emily's arrival time settling into the room, the Russo family continued their celebration, brimming with excitement and laughter. Now, the focus shifted to the practical aspects of welcoming the newest family member.

Francesco, in his usual authoritative tone, addressed the bustling room, "Alright, everyone, let's give Isabella some space. We'll have plenty of time for more antics and predictions later. For now, let's ensure Emily's grand entrance into the Russo world is as smooth as possible."

The uncles, aunts, and cousins dispersed, some offering to fetch snacks, others organizing a makeshift celebration within the hospital room. Isabella, despite her playful protests, couldn't hide the happiness in her eyes as the family rallied around her.

Lorenzo, the oldest and self-proclaimed mastermind, declared, "I'll teach her the art of diplomacy. By the time she's in kindergarten, Emily will be negotiating snack trades with the best of them." " With my skills, she will have a whole company by the age of 10"

Elijah, the health-conscious doctor, chimed in, "I'll be her personal fitness coach. Baby yoga, anyone? Gotta start early on those squats!"

Alessandro, the aspiring lawyer with a penchant for tattoos, smirked, "I'll introduce her to the world of ink. Finger painting, of course. We'll have a tattoo parlor in the living room by age three."

Xander, the 'bad boy' turned family man, winked, "I'll give her the lowdown on how to deal with those playground heartbreaks. We'll call it 'Operation Ice Cream Therapy.'"

Xavier, the prankster, grinned mischievously, "Pranking 101, coming right up! She'll be the queen of harmless mischief by the time she hits double digits."

Matteo, the academic and music enthusiast, added with a twinkle in his eye, "I'll be her personal music tutor. She'll master the violin, piano, guitar, and drums by the time she's six. Mozart who?"

Luca, the energetic youngest brother, jumped in, "I'm in charge of fun! Adventure-filled scavenger hunts, secret late-night cookie missions – I've got it all planned out!"  Me and Xavier  will be her partners in crime, introducing her to the world of pranks. The Russo legacy must live on!!"

Isabella, surrounded by the lively banter, couldn't help but chuckle at the array of talents her sons were eager to impart to their baby sister. "Well, Emily, you've got quite the curriculum ahead of you," she quipped, looking at each brother in turn.

"Just promise me you won't turn our living room into a tattoo parlor too soon, Alessandro."

Francesco, always the pillar of strength and wisdom in the Russo family, couldn't resist joining in on the banter. With a twinkle in his eye, he addressed each son with a mix of sarcasm and fatherly love.

Lorenzo: "Diplomacy, huh? Just make sure she negotiates bedtime as effectively as you do, and we'll be golden."

Elijah: "Fitness coach it is. I'll be expecting my baby girl to bench press her baby bottle by age one, Doctor Russo."

Alessandro: "Ink lessons, Alessandro? Just promise me you won't let her tattoo the family cat. We don't need a rebellious feline on our hands."

Xander: "Operation Ice Cream Therapy? I like it. Just make sure the therapy sessions include an extra scoop for Dad. I might need it more."

Xavier: "Pranking 101, huh? Just keep it within the boundaries of 'harmless.' We don't want the principal calling me every week."

Matteo: "Mastering four instruments by six? Easy for someone with your talents. Just remind her that noise complaints from the neighbors are not a badge of honor."

Emily, their little princessWhere stories live. Discover now