Chapter One: Stoner boy

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(This will be a short chapter, but the next one I'll try to make longer)

Y/n slammed the axe that was left for her in her grandpa's...rustic...home, down on a log, and it split into two, a triumphant smile on her face as she heaved the piece of wood up and placed it into the wood pile.

"Hey? You the new farmer chick that took over the old man's farm?"

A voice called behind her, and she jumped before turning around. His hair was swooped to the side, and he held a joint between his fingers,

"Yea? What's it to you?"

"Nothing, the old man used to let me and my buddies hang around here and smoke as long as we cleaned up after ourselves." He looked around at the overgrown weed, noticing the pot plants that were growing closest to the porch, "Oh, you grow too?"

She rolled her eyes and nodded, "You're not touching my shit though, Stoner boy."
He laughed at the nickname,

"Well, Stoner girl–" he tried to think of a comeback but couldn't, "anyways, my mom told me to come ask if you needed any help clearing stuff out, Robin? Her and Lewis showed you around town?"

"I know who Robin is, I didn't know such a nice woman could pop out such an annoying shit."

He rolled his eyes then and tapped the front porch he was leaning on, "So do you need help or not?"
She tossed him the Scythe all of a sudden, also left for her by her grandpa in the house.

"Get started on the weeds, and throw the hay you get into that Silo over there."

"I wasn't expecting you to actually want my help." He deadpanned before rolling his eyes and beginning to take down the grass, occasionally hitting logs and stones the required to be picked up and threw into a bin.

"I won't say no to free help."

It was nearing 6:30 at night, Y/n invited Sebastian, whom she learned his name was,  in for lemonade and dinner, and smiled at how quickly he dug in,
"Exhausted or munchies?"

"Both." He whispered sheepishly, and she gave him a shit eating grin.

"Are you going to come back tomorrow?" She wandered as she picked at her food."And will Robin beat me for keeping you so late?"

He thought for a moment before answering, "I'll come back tomorrow, and I don't know if she'll beat you necessarily."

"Hm, you should get home. It's nearly 8."

Sebastian left, and Y/n oddly felt ecstatic about seeing him tomorrow. She couldn't wait.

The next day, Sebastian returned with a few friends to help out too, Y/n later learned their names are Abigail and Sam, she also learned that Abigail and Sebastian are kind of a thing, although whenever Abigail spoke he made a face of disgust, either intentional or accidental she didn't know.

"So, you guys -" before Y/n could get another word in, Abigail's watch went off, and she quickly kissed Sebastian goodbye, giving Sam and hug and Y/n a handshake before she left without another word.

"She had an appointment at the clinic today."

"Oh, is she okay?" Sam said quietly, almost worried

"Yeah, it's just a checkup."

Sam looked relieved before they both focused their attention to Y/n,
"So, I was wondering if yall wanted to stop by the saloon since we've finished everything?"
They both jumped at that and said to meet them there and left quickly.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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