"This is uh, my friend y/n." He spoke to the aunts and uncles surrounding us who were all trying to figure out who I was. Their confused looks soon turned to welcoming looks and they said hi and tried to make small talk. I gave them smiles and waves with barely any words. I was making it slightly awkward but Elijah did a lot of talking. He loved to talk anyways.

We got settled and I stayed pretty close to Elijah. His family were going back and forth with conversation while popping jokes here and there. They seemed pretty happy and comfortable with each other. It made it clear that Elijah came from a very loving and open home. He would join in with the conversation while also making attempts to add me in. While I appreciated the effort my social skills weren't the best so my words tended to be awkward and vague. I don't like that my social-ness is dependent on who I'm with but I couldn't help it. In the end I was still glad that I was able to be accompanied by Elijah. His complete opposite in personality when compared to mine was funny and almost cliché. Opposite attract and he was my opposite. At least in my eyes. Eventually the chatter started to cool down and Elijah seemed bored. I had already pulled out my phone distracting myself from everything going on. Taking me out of my distraction Elijah nudged my arm with his elbow to get my attention. I took my eyes off my phone to look over at him and our eyes locked for a quick moment.

"You wanna see something?" He asked quietly. Why was he whispering? I had no idea but I shrugged it off and nodded my head. A smile grew on his face as kept his eyes locked with mine before starting to walk towards the back of the house. I followed behind him as he led me to the back porch. The sky was starting to get dark but we could still see so we walked down the steps and onto the grass. The second both his feet hit the grass his steps started to speed up. I tried to keep up with his face till I was practically chasing him. We ran deeper and deeper into the woods behind his house. I could hear the sound of wind rustling the leaves and small twigs breaking under my feet. His laughter got fainter and fainter as he continued to run ahead of me. I had lost track of where we were at that point as it was all woods. My focus was him. My eyes followed his every step and every direction as I replicated it. The sky had gotten darker and the air became cooler. The dirt and grass beneath my feet become mushier and wetter. The earthy smell of the words filled my nose which was pleasant. Usually I found places like this to be dirty and displeasing but this night it was different. Eventually Elijah stopped in his tracks with heavy breaths. I slowly walked up behind him while catching my own breath and looking around behind me at all the trees and plants growing from the ground. My head turned back around to face Elijah's direction and I was met with the sight of a large lake. The lake was slightly below us due to the forest floor being hill-like. A smile grew on Elijah's face as he looked out at the lake. The light from the rising moon has a glistening effect on the lake as the ripples move up and down. I admired the beauty of this natural sight. It was almost calming. The sound of water crashing on itself and long rocks filled the air. I realized how long it's been since I've looked at something like this. My gaze shifted from the lake onto Elijah's face as the light reflected in his eyes. The way the moonlight hit his face perfectly made me smile. How could someone look this graceful naturally? I shook my head and crouched down to sit on the grassy floor. I spread my legs forward and propped my hands behind me to keep me balanced. Elijah lightly laughed and followed, sitting down on the floor with his knees up to his chest resting his arms upon them in an x formation. We would say a couple words to each other but mostly sat in silence enjoying the sight together. I was finally with him. We were alone and able to enjoy this peaceful, gorgeous sight. Breaking my train of thought, Elijah asked me a question.

"You mind if I lay down?" His eyes looked over at me waiting for a response. A bit of surprise hit me while wondering why he was asking for permission to lay down.

"Go ahead man." I laughed quietly and he started to shift his body. Suddenly his head rested down on my lap while relaxing the rest of his body. His face was staring up and me or the sky, I couldn't but all I could feel were butterflies forming in my stomach. The feeling of his warm head on my lap was the last thing I expected to feel tonight. My heart raced a bit as I looked down at his face with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. His eyes locked with mine while giving me a playful smile. He knew exactly what he was doing and I couldn't get enough of it. I brought one of my hands up to start playing with his hair and run my fingers through his scalp which made him close his eyes. I continued to softly massage his scalp with my fingers, making smile more. I looked back out onto the lake and appreciated the moment we were having right now. He had known about this lake as a childhood memory and now we were making a new memory together. This was a personal moment only me and him were sharing. This was special to us and us only. Maybe he did feel the same thing I did for him. The thought of that excited me to the possibility of my suspicions being correct.

My hand moved down to caress his face before I felt his fingers grip around it. He stopped me for a quick moment before shifting him to get off of the floor and onto his knees. I watched in confusion as he moved around. His eyes locked back with mind as he lifted his head up. Instantaneously he moved forward and pressed his lips against mine which made me slightly fall back. His soft lips fit perfectly against mine as his hands grabbed my shoulders. He pushed himself against me putting most of his weight onto me. Slowly falling back onto the ground I reached my hands up and wrapped them around his head. I kept one on his neck while the other traveled up to the back of his head going through his hair. My mind drew a blank. I was in disbelief of what was happening and all I could feel was the need to have him close to me. Elijah then pulled away with laughter before getting up on his feet. He left me lying there as I watched him get up. I could feel the dumb smile grow on my face with each breath I took. I kept my gaze on him with a smirk while pulling myself up with the help of his hand.

"They probably got dinner out already" He looked back over to the direction of the house and back at me with a teasing smile. I gave the smile right back while biting my lip. We started to walk off from the lake and back toward the house. He led the way back as I followed closely behind him holding his hand. My eyes only stayed on him watching every step and stumble his feet would make while laughing stupidly. I couldn't get the feeling of his touch out of my mind. His warm body against mine was truly unique. I had never experienced something like this and neither has he. Our feelings for each other were something that could never be replicated.

(AN: I'm taking request! I've been stumped on ideas so this is my solution lol. I also want to push out a couple more short stories for this book before I begin working on my other project. So don't be shy and request if you want!)

(Ps this new project will be a new book I won't publish till it's finished. For a heads up, it's mlm and Elijah x reader. Sorry ladies🙏🔥)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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