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Honesty p.o.v

Honesty:what u mean Chris royalty is urs she looks just like u

Chris:no she not that's tyga baby

Honesty:chris ur the only one I slept with watt u talking about me n tyga never had nothing going on we are best friends I dont think of him like dat n do u really think that I would do dat 2 chyna that's my girl I would never do dat 2 ha

Chris:idgaf OK dat damn baby ain't mines its tyga's so just get DA hell out my face OK before I smack yo ass n front of dis ugly ass baby

Honesty:if she ugly den u ugly matter of fact my baby ain't ugly if u dont want 2 take care if her fine IDC I can do shit my self u were so happy wen I was pregnant watt happen n boy I dare u 2 touch me I'm gone beat yo ass matter of fact get yo shit n get out idgaf I can take care of royalty my self u stupid bastard fuck u

Chris: fuck u 2 bitch

N he left out the door that was 2 months ago n I haven't seen him since royalty is now 9 months n like I said I'm taking care of her on my own I guess he wasnt ready he's never ready he's just a big ass kid but I miss him his smile his lips his voice every thing I'm still hurt till dis day but I know he's not coming bck so IMA just forget about him find me a new man omg my bad I didn't tell u about me

Well hi I'm honesty Coleman I'm 19 years old wth a 9 month old baby I have long hair big boobs big ass small waist I'm kinda dark not all the way thoe n royalty is my 9 month old baby I love her 2 death she's chris color has Chris noes mouth n ear but has my hair she is the reason y I'm still breathing but chris wouldn't know about her IG he doesn't believe that she's our daughter

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