Period Headcanons

Start from the beginning

That's not what you were calling me last night


*comes home and hands you bag*

"These are rags... I asked you to bring things to help. I meant pads, tampons, literally anything but this"

"Well when you didn't reply I assumed you'd lost your ability to type and so I figured you'd reverted to some cave men way of living so I brought you what they used, actually you're lucky I didn't pick leaves from the backyard tree"



*hands you the pads from behind her back*

"You're dedicated to being a cunt, aren't you? You should get paid for it"

"I do. What else do you think I'm doing at work all day?"

Lydia Tár

Lydia Tár

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Oh god not this again. You know I'm not hip to all this new lingo, please explain.

Menstrual cycle.


That's all you have to say?

Congratulations you're not pregnant?


We went to the store yesterday. Do you not remember?

Oh shit I forgot about that, sorry

You and the period brain.

Me and my period brain can go to a hotel if it's such a problem for you

I never said that. We've just finished rehearsal and I'll be home in 15 minutes. If you're not there when I get there...

I'll be here.

Good girl

Brie Evantee

Brie Evantee

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