chapter 20: Letty Igribach

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Letty Igribach blew into their lives in Year 1, riding high on a wave of elegance with eyes like the sunset that made her unforgettable, and, to Sebastian, an unexplored region that would satisfy his need for adventure.

He nearly fell into her, waiting by the thestrals that would take them up to the castle, tripping on her luggage and causing a scene, where he also met Samantha who seemed more bothered by the incident than Letty.

The would-be Slytherins first saw her in Hogsmeade, out with her cousin buying school supplies, but when the time finally came being at arms length with her in the carriage they could only stare, for neither of them had the nerve to talk.

At the start of term feast, when Sebastian had gone up to share a drink with Anne, he had been walking back from the other end of the table by the staff, taking another sip and, in looking up, saw Letty right in front of him. She smiled sweetly and took note of his green robes, and, in Sebastian's case, her blue robes. He tried to wipe his chin discreetly, hoping she hadn't seen the drip or drool, and they both sat down at their respective tables.

Sebastian still loved that first sip of pumpkin juice; even the smell of it made him remember that time. He would glance over at the Ravenclaw table whenever he could, at the first girl he ever vowed to befriend, and he would never forget it; for she was annoyingly and utterly a swot.

Letty gave him no mind and took to her own space, too busy clambering with her house mates for good grades. She became disagreeable when told to lighten up and she didn't care for Sebastian, not right away. Sebastian knew he had to earn it. And it didn't take much after the first year to convince him that they were a perfect match.

"How romantic!" exclaimed Poppy one time in study hall.

"How silly," said Letty. "Let me read a romance and I might take myself out before it could."

"What do you know about eyes and good manners? You hardly ever speak to anyone."

"I speak to you, don't I, Poppy? You've got good manners and a set of eyes," she said without looking up.

"But you aren't in love with me. That's the difference."

"I don't know what that means."

"Letty, what if I said Sallow's got it in for you."


"He made a nice speech about you in potions the other day. Overheard it myself."

"He meant the wiggenweld, I suppose."

"Idiot girl. He meant you, of course!"

"Did he?" And Letty lifted her eyes from her essay on ghosts to think about it.

"You wouldn't know a compliment when you get it," said Poppy, as if she knew all about the matter. "You know, he hasn't looked away ever since we sat down here." Then she gasped. "Now he's coming over with Ominis!"

Sebastian happened to notice the homework laid out in front of them, and Letty's beautifully drawn maps received his praise. He set his foot upon the bench beside her and leaned on his knee, saying,

"Letty, I want to tell you something."

"I thought so; glad I'm finished here then." She got to packing her supplies and respectfully left Poppy to the two boys, for she would not open any doors for Sebastian Sallow. Especially now that she had seen his true colours, and obnoxious colours they were.

Sebastian sighed, and said in parting, "I changed my mind then! Now you'll never know."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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