Beauty and Bravery

Start from the beginning

She looks at the necklace on her neck then at Arianna who nodded before looking back at Belle who caressed her cheek.
Arianna then motioned Frederic and Calliope to give them some space.
Jane - It's... unbelievable.
Belle - I know, so many emotions that your heart may implode...
Jane then slowly hugged Belle. She really was like her mother.
Belle - My Evaline would be happy for us now.
She would indeed.
Jane then wondered.
"Is she also here with you?"
Belle hurt to respond on that.
Belle - No, only select few of chosen ones can be allowed in here...
She missed her daughter too, but there is little she can do here.
Jane - I see... for once I'm glad dad isn't here to hear this.
Belle - Ah of course, what kind of person is he by the way?
Jane - ... Well, eccentric, kind inventor... a bit odd at times...
Belle giggled "Odd? Now that's something we may share in the family"
Jane giggled
Jane - Yeah maybe... but does that matter? Why? What now?
Belle - Jane, I called you here because I wanted to see where my family's future is going... because we may not meet again...
Jane couldn't say much to that, it was true. She wasn't supposed to be in Germany... that's just how it happened.
Belle - I see you also found yourself a brave, unusual soul mate yourself... listen you can enjoy your time together wherever you wish but I really think you should stay away from these kind of adventures.
Belle wanted to see how she'd react.
Jane reacted funnily
Jane - That'd be uneventful, don't you think?
Belle smiled
Belle - I had an idea you'd say that... in that case, let me give you a hand.
Belle plants a kiss on her forehead, after which her eyes glow light blue...
Jane - W-wha...
She felt something pulsing in her body.
Jane - What was that just now?
Belle - I gave you a part of my power, it'll last for a few weeks... you'll be able quite agile whenever you'll be in danger...
Jane - That sounds... hazardous...
Belle - You'll figure it out, you're creative like me after all...
Jane - Pity I'm not as courageous though-*sneezes*
Belle - First, god bless you... next, as your grandmother I say that's enough, after everything we talked about... you should get some confidence. There are many different kinds of bravery...You won't fail, I believe in you...
It really felt at time moment that Jane was a kid again...
Jane simply nodded this time
Belle - Good, that's the spirit. And before we part... ma chérie, time may come when you'll have to decide between you and your husband may go on different paths. Just know that sometimes, your destinies may have been entwined... but never joined.
Now Jane was shocked
Jane - Grandmother what do you-*sneezes*
Belle - Gesundheit, I'm sorry but I can't say any more than that. Hope it won't, but if that time does come... you'll know what to do.
Belle hugged Jane now, warmly and tightly.
And as she did her outfit changed from blue to yellow as energies flow around her form.
"Be well, my golden flower"
That was the last thing she heard from her before she dissapeared back into the amulet.
Jane removes the amulet and looks into it, hoping she'll hear.
Jane - Bye, grandmother...
After that she returned the amulet back into hands of Rapunzel's parents... she thanked them for this opportunity, though they may not have known for certain.
She thanked Calliope too, and apologised for offending her.
Calliope didn't feel offended at all, if anything she was moved to tears from all that conversation there.
Jane has to admit, Calliope and her are somewhat similar too... differing only by circumstances.
Overall the day turned out nothing like she expected.
It's been a curious day for them both as she learned later...
Jane - My father taught me to have a clear and clever head.... And my mother taught me to use my imagination, to be creative... to create and enjoy what you make.

She enjoyed drawing pictures, to bring dreams into reality. To give them form... make them come true.

Be cautiously optimistic , that's what she got out of it at least.
Tarzan - I can leave if you want time alone...
No. What Jane wants is to live a long life in the warmth of the sun, her hand in his.
Jane - No... quite contrary, we may not have time for ourselves later. Who knows what can happen...
She's caressing his scarred chest.
"I'd like for us to spend time together... for this one night "
Their lips met as hands interlocked.
Phew, what a chapter. Felt like I talked to my own grandmother here. May God rest her soul in peace.
You should know what theory which birthed this chapter. Reminder : This fic has links to another fic Alice & Jane: 1868.
Now I understand if you wonder why was last 'intimate' part added. But you see I plan to write a shot fic after this story to tie it all up later in an expanded universe.
1] Also just so we are clear, I'm sure many of you wonder why I don't go to Anna and Elsa's story part? Easy, first Corona arc is closed THEN over to Eric's Tirulla.
2] Lack of sleep causes insomnia, dizziness, depression... so Jane at start is a mood.
3] Making Faith a saporian AND Feldspar's daughter was interesting headcanon, also yep even castle staff members should take up arms if anyone gets brutal ideas for 'em. Literal AND allegorical.
4] Read here to find out how I think Saporia and Northuldra link up -

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