1: The Lone Alpha

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Alex's POV

Looking out through the window, I see the pool of the packhouse with the people and their mates. Seeing this makes me wonder about my mate. I'm almost 19 and I still can't find my mate. I can feel myself getting weaker day by day as I rule this pack as alpha. I am not a jealous person but I don't like feeling left out. 

I hear my younger brother, Henry calling out to me but I can't hear him. I turn my head and I see his blurry figures. I hear muffled voices and then my heart starts beating fast but I can't do anything. I can't move. All I can see next is black.

*1 hour later*

I open my eyes and see a light shining on my face, then I turn around and see myself on my bed. My brother has a chair pulled up beside me and when he hears the tossing on my bed, he wakes up. He sees me trying to get up and helps me to sit on the bed. 

"We need to do something about you!!! You can't be fainting like this." He said that with a frown on his face. 

I smile and say, "I'm fine. Don't worry". His face contorts into a worried face. "Don't frown like that, it makes you look older. What time is it?" I rake my hair.

"7:30, almost time for pack meeting." I shuffle to my feet and go to the door. "Let's go then!!"

*At the pack meeting*

I met my dad by the door, probably waiting for me cause when he saw me, he rushed to me and said, "Are you ok?"

I nod saying "I'm fine. Let's go in." I see my beta sitting by my chair and as I go inside, everyone stands up and I quickly wave my hands because I don't like it when they do that. "So, what matter do we have to face today?" I ask as I sit down.

"Blue Shadow Pack" My face contorts into a displeased face. I raise my eyebrow, waiting for him to continue... "They need our help, the alpha wants to meet with you on Friday at noon." The elders who didn't know about this started whispering and it gave me headaches. My beta, Elijah said


Everyone stopped talking immediately. "Why can't they meet with me? Why do they have to meet with Alpha Alex?" The elder said "They only gave me a context of what they want. They have a bigger pack that wants to destroy them, so they want to merge with our pack for a whi --"

My dad interrupted "What the hell?? They hate us, so why do they want to do it, can't they go to another pack and ask for help??" They all nodded their head in accordance. They turned their head waiting for me to give them the final answer. I have to choose between their hate and their protection.

I said, "Tell them they can meet with us on Saturday in the morning, no earliest, no latest. Let's see what they have to say". They looked kinda flabbergasted but still nodded their head. "Let's head home then". 

Then, we talked about some other things that had to happen and papers I had to sign. After the meeting, I waited for everyone to leave except Henry. "What do you think? You were awfully quiet during the meeting"

"Just thinking". I looked at him interrogatively showing him an 'I-don't-believe-you,-tell-me-what-it is-right-now' look. "Fine, my mate wants to adopt a baby". I was shocked, so I nodded. Then, we both said at the same time

"Are you okay?"

We smiled at each other. We've been best friends since we were kids. We are really close. "I'm just shocked that's all. Nothing else but I am happy for you so when are you going to the adoption center?"

"Soon" I was so happy for them.

"Ok, tell me when you are going there. Good night, I am so freaking dead" I wave to him and leave the room.

*Dinner Table*

Dad asked, "What are you going to do about the pack?" I knew what he was trying to ask but I didn't know yet and that is what I replied. He dropped the conversation seeing I wasn't interested in talking about it. As we ate, we talked about my older brother coming in a week. Once I was done, I excused myself to go to bed. 

*In my room*

School tomorrow. Why?? I look at myself in the mirror, I quickly cast my eyes down. I can't look at myself. Stupid Insecurity. Get ready to go to bed. Hello to you too, Onyx. I look at myself again and look into my blue eyes and see my black hair and my muscles. I need to do more exercise. Stop looking and go to bed. You aren't going to feel good if you continue. Please go to bed. I am listening to you because I trust you.

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