The kind of irony you'd read in bible stories

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-referenced eating disorder
-implied/referenced child abuse
-talks of murder
-panic attacks
-Heavily referenced self harm

Fun chapter am I right??/sarc

Travis didn't sleep last night. He couldn't. Not after Sals and his conversation.

He broke Sal's promise as well. He promised him that he would eat the orange, but he just couldn't. Every time he even thought about eating, his stomach lurched. Just thinking about Megan being dead made him want to puke. Violent thoughts flooded his mind. Ways that Megan could have died. He couldn't stop picturing her. She was only seven. And was dead. She had to of been murdered, and that made him terrified. Why didn't he hear about this? It would have been all over the news. And people would have talked about it.

Then it dawned on him.

Megan "moved" around the summertime. At the same time, Kenneth made Travis go to bible camp. It was odd. He never did it before, preaching that other churches would teach him wrong and that he was the only one who could properly teach Travis.

It would have been over two months later. The news would have stopped talking about her, and so would the kids. That made him feel even sicker. His father knew. He knew and he sent Travis away. Why didn't he say anything? Why didn't his mother say anything? Did they want to keep him safe? To not hurt him? Travis could see that and understand. He *was* only 11. Hearing that his cousin was dead would hurt. But he was 17 now. Why couldn't his father say anything later on?

His mother left two months after he got back as well. His father could have told him the truth. That Megan was dead. And his mother left. However what if now she didn't leave and died as well? Was it another cover-up? A ruse to keep Travis in the dark again?

With all these thoughts swarming his head, Travis didn't eat for the rest of the day besides dinner, however, he threw it up right after in the bathroom. He just couldn't eat. He didn't eat breakfast either. His throat would close up and his stomach twisted in ways it felt like someone was inside him. Punching and stabbing his stomach.

His chest felt heavy as well. It still felt heavy ever since yesterday. Travis hasn't felt this horrible since before he talked and came out to Todd and Neil.

That talk...surprisingly helped. If only he could talk to them about how he was terrified of his cousin being dead. But Todd would probably laugh. 'Ghosts. Seriously?'

Travis could talk to Sal though...However, he was avoiding him. For the whole day. Or morning. It was hard to avoid him in math class when he was right behind him. It wasn't like he hated Sal. He just...needed time alone. To think.

The moment math was over and lunch began he stormed out of the classroom, grabbing his backpack, and went straight to the boy's bathroom. He walked past a group of boys before opening and walked into the big stall. He closed the door behind him and sighed, sinking to the ground.

Soon the boys left, however, there was another pair of softer footsteps that walked in.

"Travis?" Sal spoke. "I saw you...come in here. Can we talk? Please?"

"Please go away," Travis mumbled, curling his legs up on himself.

"I just wanna talk. If you want me to leave then that's fine..."

Travis was silent for a moment before he sighed," Okay." Travis moved to unlock the stall door and let Sal in. He didn't know what it was about Sal. But being around him Travis felt at peace. God is this what love felt like?

"Hey..." Travis swallowed nervously looking at Sal.

"Hey," Sal said back, sitting next to Travis as he locked the door again.

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