trans mtf harry potter.

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Harry is a closeted trans woman. Cause they dont know how the magical world would react, let alone their relatives already hating them. Well, after the triwizard tournament, he overhears a conversation between his friends and the headmaster saying. How things are going well now, Harry just needs to get with Ginny. Have a kid, hunt the hocruxs, then die. Whether he likes it or not , that way, they can get his money. Well, on his way out crying, he runs into fluer and krum. They ask him if hes okay he says no and breaks down and explains everything, what he just overheard, him wanting to be a woman, to his relatives abusive. They recommend him going to gringotts cause if he just participated in a tournament for those of age magic should've deemed him emancipated. And he knows nothing about titles or being an heir. So harry would go potentially with fluers and her family for help. Where they find out  many things, find out they're the heir to many many dead families including the founders and merlin, morgana, arthur pendragon, some other important families in other countries( essentially theyre considered or are royalty in a lot of big countries) they get emancipated, get their gender changed, get some peoples access to their vaults removed, remove some blocks, correct eyesight, (maybe they find out they have a creature inheritance) then have them remove the hocrux and perform a ritual that will pull the rest to them and the body of voldemort to make him mortal maybe have them being him out to diagon alley before they slay him explain they just found a hocrux in one of thier vaults belonging to lord voldemort so perfomed a ritual to bring a soul pieces to them and he came with em. Then kill him. Have them say that due to this they are doing a full vault inventory and anyone with any illegal items will be fined heavily) then have harry (whatever they called now travel the world potentially with someone or a few people) have her send a letter to the british magical with all of her titles. (Hide the fact that they changed gender) tell them they are leaving and never coming back. Any debts owed to any of their families are due by a certain date( with exceptions determined beforehand)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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