Chapter 8

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"Well, that is quite veridical; however, what if you do obtain a reputation there? Come on, do it for your oji-san," Uncle Kaoru says, giving me a black mask.

"Fine, no promises; I won't remove it," I say. He rolled his eyes with a slight chuckle.

"You're fortuitous; I have a soft spot for you," he says, ruffling my hair. I smiled at my uncle, giving him a slight shrug.

"I love you too," I say back. Uncle Kaoru and I finally got up and got to his car. But he starts to go somewhere else—away from the car.

"Are we skating there?" I ask, taking my skateboard. I had a black skateboard with a teel color under the board with golden strips.

"Day time we utilize my car, but at night," My uncle's voice drifts away and comes back. He came back on a motorcycle that looked similar to his Carla skateboard.

"Holy shit, Oji-san!" I say, looking surprised. "I didn't know you were badass!" I was the shy type, but only near other people. Uncle Kaoru was different for me.

"Just because I have a soft spot doesn't betoken I'm sanctioning them to imprecate at me," Uncle says with a teasing glare. I gave him a sheepish look.

"Can I drive it?" I asked while my eyes shone.

"Very comical," he says, giving me the mother-glare. "Hop on the back."

"Finee," I say, looking slightly disappointed. I held both our skateboards as my uncle started his motorcycle. I was a quiet so-called "innocent" one but I've always wanted to do risky things. I had my mask on and we were on our way to the skating rally. As we got closer to the place, I saw many people coming with their skateboards.

"Woah..., I didn't expect this many people to come," I say, looking surprised. All of them were waving at my uncle.

"Yeah, this is a quite popular place," my uncle says. Soon, he parked his motorcycle and we got off. Now, we began riding our skateboards to the main area. My uncle handed me a pin.

"You require this to enter. I got you your own so don't lose it." I nodded and we both entered. There we bumped into a buff, green-haired man. My uncle groaned as soon as he saw that man. He was flexing his muscles with some girls.

"Can you not be an imbecile for once?" my uncle asks, rolling his eyes.

"It seems your quite jealous of my muscles. Too bad you don't have em," the man says back.

"Who's he?" I ask.

"Is this a new chick?" His eyes ask, shining immediately and coming close to me. I shrieked slightly and went behind my uncle and he seemed more pissed.

"If you weren't so blind, you could tell she's a minor and still in high school!" Uncle Kaoru says.

"Ew, your dating a minor?" The green-haired man asks.

"That's my niece for heaven's sake. The one I told you, that's my sister's daughter," Uncle says, facepalming.

"Well, I'm sorry that I couldn't see how she looks because you obviously forced her to wear that stupid mask. Besides, you two look nothing like each other. She has white hair with blue-green eyes, while you have pink hair with gold eyes. Where is the resemblance here?" The green-haired guy asks. He did have a slight point and I came from behind my uncle. Uncle Kaoru sighed and looked down at me.

"Asuke, meet Kojiro, kenned as Joe in the skating rally. I'm kenned as Cherry Blossom here. He was withal my schoolmate and one of the founding fathers of this place," Uncle Kaoru says.

"O-Oh," I didn't expect my uncle to be close with someone he just fought with for like the past 5 minutes.

"Well, hello, kiddo. It must suck living with a grinch like him," Joe says, scrunching his face when he looks at my uncle.

"Well, she has had gratification so far living with me, right, Asuke?" My uncle asks.

"It's way better than with my parents," I shrug.

"I have to talk to your uncle; why don't you enjoy this place?" Joe says, pulling my uncle, who was on his board. 

"What! I'm not leaving her side!" Uncle Kaoru says he is surprised.

"Well, too bad. Let the girl make some friends," Joe says, dragging my uncle away while he tries to talk to me. Now, I was left alone. I looked around and it was quite crowded. I walked along, holding my skateboard, but ended up bumping into many people who shot a glare at me. It made me want to hide under a box. At last, I found a rock to sit on and it was away from everyone too. This night hasn't gone as I thought it would. I was starting to get bored until I saw some obstacles for skateboards. I put my AirPods on and went to try them out. 

It was less boring now, but it was quite easy to do, not to brag. I was lost in my thoughts as I went round and round on my skateboard until someone was standing in front of me. 

"Woah! Watch out!" I yell. I didn't see who it was clearly. I immediately stopped when I got to them. They turned around right when I yelled. At this moment, when I stopped, my chest was touched onto their lower part of the chest and I looked up to see who it was. It was Langa. 

"Oh, hey!" I say, looking surprised. Langa seemed quite surprised to see me here.

"I didn't think you'd be here," Langa says as I get off my board.

"It's crazy the number of times we have crashed on wheels," I say. I was trying to be as social as I could be with Langa.

"I know, right?" He chuckles. "So, what are you doing here?"

"My uncle is one of the fathers of this place. Cherry Blossom, I think," I say, trying to think about him.

"Oh! I've heard of Cherry Blossom. I didn't think your formal uncle was the type to do skating like this," Langa says with a hint of laughter.

"He's not THAT formal...just protective," I shrug. "So, is Reki here too?"

"He's on his way. He has to make a delivery for a skateboard," Langa says. I nodded, and there was silence. I felt a slight blush when looking at him during the night. He looked...I don't want to say hotter because I feel weird saying that but I don't think any other word can describe that at the moment.

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