Chapter Twenty-seven

Start from the beginning

I didn't want to be a burden on them. I hated all of the attention I got about my mom, even a year later. Her and Ms. Huxley were all our small town could talk about.

"Let's watch it," I told her and Stu. "If it gets to be too much, we can always turn it off."

Stu got up, but before he could grab the tape so we can watch the movie, someone knocked on his door. The three of us exchanged a curious look before Stu made his way over to open the front door, revealing Dewey on the other side. I felt a little anxious seeing him after what he told Yn, Tatum, and I at our sleepover, back when he informed us that Ms. Huxley was murdered.

"Hey, Dewey," Stu said with his signature wide grin. "What's up, man?"

"I need to talk to Yn," Dewey replied solemnly and my heart skipped a beat as that familiar apprehension gripped me.

Stu was surprised. "Uh, yeah, sure..." He stepped aside and allowed Dewey in.

Like that terrible night when Dewey told Yn about her mother's murder, he approached her and said, "I'm sorry to add more bad news, Yn, but...Casey Becker was found gutted and hanging from a tree near her house. Sapp came just after her murder and she passed out. She's in the hospital now."

I felt Yn freeze beside me and I instantly turned to her. She looked shocked, but more importantly I could see the fear and concern for her sister written across her face.

"Bring me to her,'' she finally said in a low voice.

Dewey nodded and as he went outside to wait for us, Yn rushed to get her coat, Stu following quickly behind her.

Tears pricked my eyes as I thought about Casey. Yn and Casey didn't get along, but she was Sapp's best friend and my heart ached for my friend. I ached for Casey, too; no doubt she'd suffered at the hands of whoever this psychopath was. I couldn't do this. I needed Billy.

My hands were shaking as I fished my cell phone out of my jeans pocket and dialed his number. It rang a couple of times before he picked up. "Hello?" His voice sounded rough, like he was irritated by something. I hope I wasn't being a burden.

"Billy," I whimpered, a sob involuntarily slipping out.

"Sid?" I could hear the concern in his voice. "What's wrong, baby? Why are you crying??"

"Casey Becker's dead...Sapp's in the hospital again...'' I cried, my cheeks wet now from the tears that escaped. "Please, I know you're busy, but I need you with me. Please...come to the hospital?"

"Of course, Sidney," he told me. "I love you, sweetheart. Nothing is as important to me as you are." Even on the other line, I could hear him moving as fast as he could and it warmed my heart to know that he was willing to drop whatever he was doing just to see his traumatized girlfriend.

"I love you, Billy."

"I love you, too. I'll be with you soon."

We hung up and then Stu, Yn, and I made our way out to Dewey's police cruiser, got in, and then we were en route to the hospital to see Sapp.


He left me again. We were having such a perfect moment, even if he was a bit distant with me, but then she called and he moved faster at the sound of her upset voice than he did when I called him for one of our get-togethers. The look in his eyes gutted me; he was so concerned and so in love...I wished I could have his attention like she did.

I hate her so much. I just want her dead so I can finally have all of him.

I reached over to grab my phone. I knew exactly who could help me with my goal...

I dialed the familiar number and held it up to my ear. It rang a few times before my friend's voice answered: "Hello?"

An evil smirk crossed my face. "It's me. Let's meet up and talk. We have a common goal..."

This was going to be fun.


When I arrived at the hospital, Sidney instantly rushed into my arms and I held her tightly to my chest, kissing the top of her head. "I'm right here, baby, it's okay," I whispered, rubbing her back with one of my hands while the other remained firmly on her waist.

"God, Billy..." She sobbed into my shirt. "Why is this happening?"

"I don't know, Princess."

I really didn't know, either. Stu and I made plans to kill Casey and Steve after Ms. Huxley, but neither of us did this.

I thought about the person in the Michael Myers mask we saw when we finished off Ms. Huxley...maybe they were responsible for Casey Becker's death? It was obvious that someone else in Woodsboro shared Stu and I's penchant for bloodshed.

But that also makes me think...whoever this person was...would they hurt anyone that actually mattered to me? Would they hurt Sidney?

I held Sidney closer to me in response to my thoughts, my jaw clenching with protective fury as I thought about some asshole hurting my girlfriend. Her mother was a filthy slut, but she was pure. If anyone laid one finger on her, I would slaughter them and then burn the whole fucking world down. I'd make them look worse than Maureen and Ms. Huxley did.

I may not be the best boyfriend for her, but she was the best girlfriend for me. Even in her depression she always made sure that I was okay and despite her unwillingness for any further physical intimacy right now, it made me happy whenever she'd cling to me. It made me feel needed, wanted, loved...she made me feel sane and grounded. She made me want to be better despite my new murderous hobby. If anything happened to her, if anyone took her away from me, that would be it. There'd be nothing good left in me.

Whoever interrupted Stu and I's plans for Casey Becker and her dumbass jock of a boyfriend better never come after the girl I love. If they did....

....heads will fucking roll.

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