Chapter 12

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They continue to walk forward before looking around worried as they were now in a creepy looking forest with a lot of trees both large and small with many bushes around as they huddled together as birds can be heard squwaking.

"Gosh this is one spooky forest"Susey says looking around as animals can be heard gibbering.

"You can say that again Susey I don't like this forest it's dark and creepy"Dorothy says as they hold onto each other's arms with tin man and scarecrow beside them.

"Of course, I don't know,but I think it'll get darker before it gets lighter"scarecrow stutters looking around.

" suppose we'll meet any wild animals"Dorothy asked tin man.

"We might "tin man says looking around.

"Oh I hope we don't "Susey says looking around as well.

"Animals that eat straw" scarecrow stutters with wide eyes.

"Some but mostly lions, tigers and bears "tin man says.

"Lions!"the girls said in shock with wide eyes.

"And tigers"scarecrow asked.

"And bears!"tin man says.

"Oh my lions and tigers"Dorothy says with fear.

"Oh my"Susey says before they all hold arms with each other as they slowly move forward"lions and tigers and bears! Oh my! Lions and tigers and bears! Oh my! Lions and tigers and bears! Oh my!" they sing as they move faster with a skip"lions and tigers and bears! Oh my! Lions and tigers and bears! Oh my!"they sing before a loud lions roar was heard making them jump as there eyes widen seeing a lion up on a rock as it growls before hopping down making Dorothy and susey run and hide behind a tree with toto while scarecrow and tin man fall onto the yellow brick road shaking with fear as they lion hops down to them.

The lion crunching down growls as it had a brown mane around its face as ita tail slowly swishes back and forth as looks around growling Susey gets a good look at the face she could have sworn it almost looked like Zeke as she and Dorothy still hide behind the tree.

The lion then stands on his feet holding his hands up in fist"put'em up! Put'em up!"he says shocking them all. The lion looks between scarecrow and tin man "which one of you first? I'll fight you both together if you want. I'll fight you with one paw tied behind my back"he says holding his paw behind his back."I'll fight you standing on one foot"he says before standing on one foot "I'll fight you with my eyes closed"he says next before stepping close to tin man seeing the ax in his hand.

"Oh pulling an ax on me eh"he asked as the tin man shakes with fear shaking his head before the lion turns to scarecrow "sneaking up on me eh why.."he says walking to him as scarecrow shakes his head shaking with fear.

The lion growls before turning back to tin man stepped towards him"here here go away and let us alone"tin man says shaking.

"Oh scared huh? Afraid huh? How long can you stay fresh in that can?"the lion jokes laughing before stopping"come on her up and fight you shivering junkyard "he says as tin man shakes before the lion steps back over towards scarecrow"put up your hands you lopsided bag of hay"he says holding his fist up.

"Now thats getting personal lion"scarecrow stutters shaking.

"Yes get up and teach him a lesson "tin man says.

"What's wrong with you teaching him"scarecrow asked.

"Well I hardly know him"tin man says before Toto starts barking at the lion gaining his attention as he glares at the small dog"well I'll get you anyway peewee"he says before going after toto growling as he chased after the dog making the girls gasp before Dorothy quickly picks up toto as they run into the yellow brick road just as the lion followed as Dorothy turns around and slapped his his making the lion stop as scarecrow and tin man join them.

"How dare you bully a little dog"Susey says glareing crossing her arms as the lion was sobbing "what did you do that for I didn't bite him"lion says crying.

"No but you tried to it's bad enough picking on straw man but picking on a poor little dogs..."Dorothy says as the lion cry's while ringing his tail.

"Well you didn't have to go and hit me did you"lion sobs as he touches his nose before pulling his paw away "is my nose bleeding"he asked.

"Well of course not my goodness what a fuss your making well naturally when you go around picking on things weaker then you are...your nothing but a coward"Dorothy says as the lion continues to cry.

"Your right I am a coward I haven't any courage at all. I even scare my self look at the circles under my eyes I haven't slept in weeks"lion crys as suseys glare starts to soften 'oh poor thing'she thinks.

"Why don't you try counting sheep"tin man says.

"That's dosent do any good I'm afraid of them"lion cry's as he drys his face with his tail.

"Oh that's to bad"scarecrow says before he taps the girls on the shoulders as they turn and face him "don't yall think he was or could help him too"he asked of them.

"Well if he is as wonderful as they say he is we don't see why not"Susey says.

"Why don't you come along with us we're on our way to see the wizard to get him a heart"Dorothy says pointing to tin man who nods his head"and him a brain"tin man says pointing to scarecrow who nods his head"he could give you some courage "Dorothy says.

"Well wouldn't yall feel degraded to be seen in the company of a cowardly I would"Mr lion says with a sniffle as the others shake there heads"no of course not"Dorothy says.

"Gee that's awfully nice of you to my life has been simplely unbearable"lion sniffles as Dorothy pulls out a tissue to help dry his tears"well you got us now Mr lion"Susey says with a soft smile.

"Shes right and it's all right now the wizard will fix everything"Dorothy says.

"It's been in me so long I just gotta tell you how I feel"Mr lion says before music starts as they all gathered arms after Dorothy sits Toto down"yeah it's sad believe me missies when you're born to be a sissy without the vim and verve"lion sings as the all skip hop in place as they walk forward "but I could show my prowess be a lion, not a mouse if I only had the nerve"he sings as they all skip hop in place as they walk forward."I'm afraid there's no denying just a dandelion a fate I don't deserve"he sings as they all skip hop in place walking forward."I'd be brave as a blizzard"the lions sings.

"I'd be gentle as a lizard "tin man sings.

"I'd be clever as a gizzard"scarecrow sings as Dorothy and susey stop them"if the wizard is a wizard "Dorothy Sings before turning to her cousin"who will serve "Susey sings.

"Then I'm sure to get a brain "scarecrow sings before turning to tin man"a heart"tin man sings before turning to Susey and Dorothy "a home"they sing before turning to mr. Lion"the nerve"he sings before they all locked arms again "oh were off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of oz"they all sing as they skip forward"we here he is a whiz of a whiz of ever a whiz there was if ever, oh ever a whiz there was the wizard of Oz is one because because because because because because because of the wonderful things he does we're off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of oz"they sing skipping down the yellow brick road towards the edge of the forest.

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