2.Learn From Me!😑

Start from the beginning

"hmmmp!"Taehyung walked away from there to the room

Jungkook ruffled his hair and groaned,cursing
He doesn't know if this bish will listen to him or will continue to be same.


And after the dinner and the bickering they had,the time to sleep has reached

Jungkook laid on the bed sighing in deep relief as the tensed muscles on his back slowly getting relaxed

Jungkook enjoyed the comfort and pulled the sheets on him

But his peaceful time didn't even last for 2 minutes as the room light turned on and the Kim Taehyung walked towards the bed singing and began to drop the cushions in the middle,making a boundary

Jungkook traced his forehead and let out a long sigh

Taehyung then sat on the bed and began to reply some mails, leaning on the headboard

turn off the light and do anything"
Jungkook said

Taehyung glanced at him squinting his eyes and said
"you turn it off,I will not get up
from the bed"

"I turned it off before coming to bed,but you only turned it on just now"Jungkook said sitting up.

"so what?you want me to fall down by going in the dark?
Ofcourse to see clearly,one will turn on the light at night,idiot"Taehyung mumbled

Jungkook looked at him in disbelief

He glanced at the clock and it's already 11,he doesn't want to fight with this bish anymore,he feels so sleepy already

"fck you"Jungkook mumbled and stood up to turn off the lights

Taehyung laid on the bed unbothered and pulled the bedsheet upto his chest

Jungkook laid on the bed after turning off the lights and traced the bed for the bedsheet

He clicked his tongue and glanced to his side and found out that this bish
has covered himself with the whole bedsheet.

Jungkook gripped the hem of the bedsheet and pulled it on himself

Taehyung whined and pulled it on himself feeling cold.

And the fight went on until sleep took over them

But,In the morning both are covered with the sheets and feeling so warm and content and sleeping so peacefully

Taehyung has his face hid in Jungkook's hard chest and his one leg around Jungkook's waist

And Jungkook has his one arm under Taehyung's head and another on taehyung's soft plump ass

His lips brushing on taehyung's forehead

Due to the bedsheet fight,they ended up cuddling in their sleep and
the cushions placed in the middle are in the corner of the bed and some on the floor.

Jungkook's phone alarm began to ring

Taehyung whined nuzzling his face in Jungkook's hard chest and hugging him more tight

Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed in his sleep at the continuous alarm
sound and his grip tightened on the soft thing he was caressing and squeezing in his sleep

Jungkook inhaled the sweet scent of taehyung's,as he nosed on his forehead and squeezed his ass

Taehyung wriggled in Jungkook's hold whining and laid above Jungkook.

His soft chest squishing to Jungkook's hard chest as he nuzzled his face in Jungkook's neck

Jungkook's hand traced on the night table to pick up his phone

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