Chapter two

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As we get out of the car I am stunned with all the nature that is around us. I look around in wonder and I immediately know I can have amazing runs on these grounds. I follow Jackie who still looks kind of out of it. ''Why don't you girls come inside, we will introduce you to everyone.'' Katherine says just as someone calls her. We follow her inside while she talks on the phone and we are almost thrown over by this boy on a skateboard. ''Hi, Danny.'' says a boy who lies on the outside sofa while pointing at himself. ''Hi, I'm Willow.'' I smile as I look at his book. He reads classics, glad I already found someone with the same interest as me. Jackie smiles as well and then we go inside with George. A small boy runs past us and George calls him off for running, he calls him Benny so I suppose that's his name. George stops in the door opening of this room that seems to be the gaming room. ''Guys, can you stop that for a second?'' He asks to talk to the two boys sitting on the couch. They seem to be our age. The boy on the left immediately stands up and looks at Jackie like she is the love of his life. I smile to myself knowing how cute this will get. The other guy on the couch seems to be focused on the game but when George introduces them as Alex and Isaac he looks up at us. He first looks at Jackie but when his eyes land on me his smile grows a bit. He waves his hand very casually and I try to mimic it but it just looks weird when I do it. He laughs to himself and turns back to the screen. Great, I already look stupid to those guys. ''Alex, can you go grab some bags from the car?'' George asks and that seems to shake Alex out of his thoughts. ''Oh uhm yeah.'' He says and when he gets close enough to Jackie he shakes her hand. They look really cute together. He smiles at me friendly and then walks away. Jackie and I walk into the kitchen where Katherine is still on the phone and George leaves to get our stuff upstairs. ''Seems like I have to get into work.'' She says on the phone as she hands us each a glass of lemonade. We thank her and look around the kitchen for a while. I walk up to the windows and look at the view of their garden. ''Girls I am so sorry but I have to go.'' Katherine says when I turn around. She is just about to say something when another guy walks in. He seems to be a few years older than us but looks very kind. ''Oh thank god, Will is here.'' Katherine says walking over to him. ''Girls this is Will our oldest, and this is Jackie and Willow.'' She introduces us and I smile at him. ''It is very nice to meet you both.'' He smiles as he gives us both a hand. ''Will, can you take over please? They've already met uhm: Isaac, Alex, Danny and uhm...'' ''Benny'' Jackie says and Katherine nods. Katherine walks away muttering about how bad she feels she has to leave and George walks in as well. She walks out after some goodbyes and Gearge tells us that he will be around somewhere. Just as he is about to go as well I hear another skateboard sound coming from the hallway. ''Uncle George wait for me.'' He calls as he skates through the kitchen. Jackie scoffs and I can't help to be kind of shocked myself. But I suppose skating inside is quite normal with this many boys. ''The Tony Hawk-wannabe is Lee.'' Will says as he looks at our shocked faces. I try to smile a bit but I suddenly fell quite overwhelmed with all these new things that are happening. He walks away again and we follow quickly into what seems to be a bedroom. ''Nathan, these are Jackie and Willow.'' He says and a boy stands up from the floor. He is holding a guitar, maybe we can talk about it later since i played the violin. ''It is so nice to finally meet you both.'' He says, shaking our hands. ''You too.'' We say at the same time and the two boys laugh about it. I already like him, he seems nice. We walk outside faster than I can keep up while Will talks. '' I am hard of hearing so if i'm not looking at you or there is to much background noise, I won't hear you.'' I smile at him as he turns around, hoping he doesn't feel judged at how quiet we are. He turns down the music and I look at all the kids playing. ''These are Parker and Benny.'' He says and I wave to the two. ''Hey.'' The girl says and I already know she is very sweet. I was just about to say something the them when someone shoots out of the pool. He has blonde hair and a six pack that is hard to miss. He shakes is hair out as if he is in some sort of commercial and walks up to his chair after staring at us both for a little too long. I am sure he likes Jackie already. ''Wanna introduce yourself?'' Will asks him, That makes him look up. ''They'll figure it out.'' he says before going back to sleeping or whatever he is doing. ''That's Cole.'' Will says. This boy with a camera walks up to us and starts filming us. I smile at the camera and wave. ''Uhm hello?'' Jackie says. '' ''Jordan, aspiring film director, leave them alone please.'' He says to the boy and he runs away again. I look around at the three playing again when I am splashed with water. I look up and see a huge dog who dried himself. I can't say I'm happy but the dog is cute. ''Oh I am so sorry.'' Will says as he grabs a towel and hands it to Jackie. He looks around for another one but Cole throws me his before Will can find it. I look up at cole and smile at him in thanks. He just goes back to acting like we aren't even here. I dry my face while smiling at the now guilty looking dog. ''Come let me show your rooms.'' Will says as he leads us inside. ''Please don't take it personally.'' He tells us. ''It's alright.'' I chime in and he goes to walk up the stairs. ''Uhm Will, how many of these kids are George's and Katherines?'' Jackie asks and Will turns back around. ''Oh you didn't know, well all of us. Eight to be precise. And Isaac and Lee are cousins on my dads side.'' Jackie talks to him more but I tune them out just looking at the pictures on the wall. They are all smiling children and it makes me wish I had a fun childhood like this. Don't get me wrong I didn't have it that bad but growing up in the city and always trying to impress everyone sometimes left no time for me to be a kid. ''Alright so we have two rooms, one is right here and the other is on the attic.'' Will walks up to a door and opens it so show us a beautiful room full with art, even the walls are painted. ''It was my moms art studio.'' He says. I was just about to ask who's it was when Jackie says. ''I'll take this one if that's okay?'' She asks me and I nod. Ofcourse she'll want the bigger room. But it's okay. She has it harder than I do and she deserves this room. We get scared by a box hitting the floor. I turn around to see Cole. ''You going to help?'' He says and Will sighs. ''We can do it.'' Jackie says but Will already walks to the door. ''No, it's okay, I'll come when I showed Willow her room.'' I smile at him and walk behind him out of the room. ''Yeah, don't worry about it New York.'' I hear Cole say to Jackie. Will leads me to the back of the hallway where there is a small staircase. ''I'm sorry it isn't much but we didn't have any room and we tought that sharing might not be the best idea. Katherine thought is wa better to give the both of you some space.'' He tells me as he walks up the stairs. ''It is okay really, thank you for helping us today.'' I say and he looks at me over his shoulder. ''You're welcome.'' We walk through the door and my smile grows. it really is a very small room but it is so beautiful. ''I hope you like the wallpaper, we tried to make something out of it for you.'' Will says and I look around. Tha walls are covered with flower wallpaper and in the middle is a big bed with white fluffy blankets and pillows. There is a small desk against one wall with a long dresser beside it. There are windows in the ceiling that give me an amazing view of the lands. ''Will, This is amazing!'' I could hug him right now. He smiles at me and opens his arms. I look at him confused for a second before I run up to him and hug him. ''I'm happy you're here Willow, and I just want you to know that it's okay for you to be sad as well. She was your mom too.'' As he's talking, my eyes water and I mutter a small thank you. Just when I am about to pull away we get interrupted by a voice. ''Here's your stuff Wills.'' I look up and see Cole standing there with one of my boxes. ''Uhm, right. Thank you.'' I say as I quickly wipe my eyes. He just looks at me weird and walks away again. ''Alright I'll be going as well, see you at dinner.'' Will says and leaves after Cole. 

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