Chapter 1

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Where to begin... Since my mom and my stepdad got together, things haven't been very good. I started chores at the age of nine with my twin brother "Twin". Stop having sleep-overs with my own mother. My Step Dad "SD"changed everything for us. When we were younger, my older brother "OB"would argue with SD a lot. OB was eleven to sixteen years old. When I was ten, we were in a car on the highway. SD was driving as him and OB got in an argument. SD pulled over and got out of the car yelling and screaming at OB to fight him. Twin was scared to death and told our grandma about it through texting and mom got really mad and took their phone away. OB always thought he could get his way. Mom would yell at him to get back in th car as she was telling OB to shut up. OB over the years, he started getting the same toxic masculinity as he was saying to fight him back. They had never gotten in a fist fight, but they did argue a lot growing up. One time OB was yelling at the top of his lungs at SD at the top of the stairs in our old home, while SD was at the bottom threatening OB. Everytime they argued, Twin and I would sit together having a panic attack from the yelling. Twin and I always have each other's backs. Even when we were mad towards one another. We make up in second's like nothing happened. I'm glad I have a twin Brother.

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