Chapter Thirty-Nine: Lingering Smoke

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(A/N: Ah, good day to you all! Before we begin, a very big thank you to illiterate_Fish as the creator of the character Alyssa (Or Aly!) that you'll meet later on! Apologies for the long overdue creation, but I do hope she is to everyone's liking!

Warning: This chapter contains implications of death. The next few chapters are likely to have scenes that deal with this topic as well, but they'll also be warned ahead of time! Thanks for reading everyone and stay safe!)

The humanoid form made from the shadows of magic isn't very held together, although the form looks quite a bit more human than it started as. That's progress of some sort, but the form still breathes a long and loud sigh as they have done for quite a while. Given their Master is collecting rightfully earned energy, the one who found Fire thinks far too highly of themselves to not marvel in their achievement constantly, and the other two are in their own form of untitled righteousness that comes with the process of "Forming", this one is forced to sit by the electrically barred cage and listen to the far too energy-filled talkings of their captures.

"F-Fire..! Are.. Are you alright?" White, although the sphere looks more akin to grey due to her magic being drained and therefore not as bright as it normally is, sounds quickly next to the newer and brighter red and orange orb. The shadowed rope still rings around her, pulling and transporting her energy to Master; White seems to notice as well, given a quick addition of, "I-I know you are not as well as you once were, although the question is asked more in concern.."

"I am so sorry this has happened to you.." The blue sphere's voice sounds shaky. The figure heaves another heavy sigh as if this annoys them. Maybe it does.

The last sphere in the cage, a faint green one, hovers closer to their newest capture. "Did everything...?"

"Yes. She's still safely locked away." Red winces as a flame inside her dims out for a moment before shakily glowing once more. "I mean, I'm way more worried about all of you. You've all been here much longer than I have."

"It will take far more than imprisonment to break us..!" Green sparks up for a moment, but it's hardly anything to be impressed by, especially in comparison to Red's strength.

Despite this, and the figure's own sigh of what they assume to be caused by finding humour in the statement, Red laughs for whatever reason, even just a little. This causes the figure to sigh again. "And I have to assume that there's something good that's keeping your spirits high, right?"

Green's light dims once more. "You explain that to us. You had, after all, seen them."

"Well, they are something to be proud of." Red sighs, along with the figure as they notice their flames spark up in an annoying colour that the Realm has to eat at as their voice becomes softer. Only for a moment, however, as the steady power gaining energy from the orb is suddenly increased. "Gnk-! I-I know.. I know they'll do just f-fine—!"

"Enough with all the racket!" Master! Master's voice booms from the Realm, causing the spheres to jolt in their place and Red to yell out in agonizing pain. The sudden influx of Red's energy is transferred over to him; the collection of powerful energy that now gains a bright red hue. The figure looks away in respect and sighs in what is adoration. Another humanoid creature stands by his side, and they refuse to acknowledge the desire it were them instead. Wait- Desire..? "No matter how highly you speak of them, actions will speak louder than words, and, well, looking at where all of you are, I doubt I need to explain why I'm not threatened."

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