𝟕. 𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐛𝐢

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"jason! you've gotta try this mint ice cream! it's so good man!" kirk chirped next to me. i bit my finger to stop laughing and making it obvious that jason was about to get the prank of his life.

the man was so shitfaced that his head was just rag-dolling around his shoulders. "what." he slurred. "hell yeah!" he yelled once he got a look at the stuff. grasping a silver spoon and taking an entire spoonful on it.

james grasped my shoulder. "when he goes down we're bolting." he said. locking my arm with his, both anticipating the moment he would lose it.

after the gig today, me and the boys went to a bar with a bunch of people from the venue. and ordering so many drinks i thought the place would run out of beer tap.

they also thought that it would be a good opportunity to initiate newsted in the band once and for all.

and i honestly don't mind what they're about to do to him. maybe this time he'll be so distraught from the wasabi that he would sober up quickly. and not come into my hotel room to sleep on the floor while mumbling how much he hates his girlfriend.

"aw hell." james said. already inching out of his seat. jason took the entire spoonful and ate it.

the last thing i heard or saw was him yelling, "fuck!" before collapsing underneath the table as james yanked me out of the booth, and the four of us running to an opposite end of the bar.

climbing the stairs, the four of us stood and watched as only jason stayed at the table. everyone else that was with us had gone, replaced by an entirely new party.

he still didn't notice. veins engorged and sweat running down his forehead and neck as he tried everything he could to stop the burning inside of him.

kirk, lars, james and i, hysterical with laughter watching as he regained consciousness and looked around at the table. steel blue eyes scanning nervously before the panic truly set in his face.

"here comes the waiter!" lars sang next to me. me only laughing harder and bringing a hand to my lips to conceal the laughter.

sure enough the waiter comes and hands jason the check, the check that had at least five zeros at the end of whatever number.

kirk slapped a hand against james's shoulder, james snorting at the look on jason's face as he shakily pulled out his card. "he looks like he's gonna cry." i mocked, pouting my bottom lip out.

the bands manager came up to newsted and the waiter. laughing almost as hysterically as us as he pat newsted on the back and took the bill, pointing at the loft where we were.

i bit my lip and flipped him off, james doing the same and laughing hysterically. jason just shook his head and looked down, making his way up to where the rest of us were.

"welcome to metallica newkid!" lars declared, tackling jason in a hug and wrapping around his back. jason on the other hand, was not impressed at all.

"yeah." he mumbled. coughing a bit and putting lars down. he tried to hold my laughter in but couldn't, giggling a bit as he walked closer.

what he did next shouldn't of surprised me, shoulder checking me so hard, i was shoved into a wall as he kept walking. "fucking bitch." he growled. walking out of the bar. leaving me with my hand cradling my bruising arm.

and him with a twinge of regret in his eyes.


"yeah i miss you too baby." he said softly into the phone. i couldn't help the way my eyes rolled into the back of my head on instinct. it was like a reflex with newkid at this point.

he was in the closed phone booth, me leaning against the glass banging my hand against it a couple times to make him hurry up, him just glaring at me and flipping me off on occasion.

newsted was talking with his girlfriend. and all i wanted to do was call my mom and tell her how my days been and goodnight. "my god- JASON!" i yelled. slamming my palm against the glass again.


he ignored me and just laughed into the phone. "who was that? oh just the chick that was sitting next to me being grumpy at the airport." he said. his girlfriend saying something that i couldn't hear but it was so funny apparently because he took one glance at me and doubled over laughing.

i hate him so fucking much. it wasn't even funny at this point.

"you tell her that you don't actually like her? that she's annoying and you like to wander into terrified girls hotel rooms when you're drunk?" i snapped.

his eyes hazed over with an expression i couldn't decode. "oh abi the lines about to cut out, i'll call you in the morning before our next show." he said. "i love you." they exchanged as he put the phone back on the hook.

"thank god!" i said in relief. newsted pulled open the glass door, making his way out as i slid past him to make my way in.

reaching my arm out to close the door, i was cut off with a sharp gasp as jason's ring clad hand gripped my wrist hard. "ow that hu-" i was cut off as he drug my arm up above his head and pressed our chests together.

i couldn't help the blush of humiliation that reddened my cheeks. his lips getting impossibly close to the shell of my ear.

"fucking watch it coraline." he hissed. shoving me back into the booth, slamming the door behind him, and storming back to wherever he came from.

i stood frozen as i tried to comprehend what had just happened. hand slowly pulling the phone off the hook and putting my mothers number in the machine.

eyes examining my barley reddened wrist as the phone dialed. waiting for her voice to come and distract me.

he didn't grab me that hard. i would've actually yelled in pain and my wrist would've been bruised.

i just hate the feeling that came up when he pulled me flush against him.

and the feeling that coursed through me when he didn't deny that he didn't really like his girlfriend all that much.

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