They all laugh and Beth sits with Viv

Lila: Such a drama queen.
Leah: Uh excuse you!
Lila: * chuckles* It's true.
Leah: Right come on you.

Lila and Leah go to the dance floor and dance together

Soon Leah gets tired and they go back to the booth

Lila: I win. She got tired.
Leah: True. I may be the crazy dancer, but she's mad crazy.
Lila: Nope. Your just old.

They all laugh except for Leah

Leah: Cheeky little bitch.
Lila: Aww don't be a grumpy pants Le.

Leah kicks Lila

Lila: Ow! Leah!
Leah: It'll be harder next time if you don't behave yourself.

Alessia pulls Lila back a bit and shields her

Alessia: Not our new player Leah. We need her for the match against Liverpool.
Leah: Whatever.

Eventually they all leave and head back to Beth's house

Lila and Alessia are saying goodbye after being attached at the hip all day

Lila: Bye Lessi. I'll see you tomorrow at training.
Alessia: * hugs her*
Lila: * hugs back*
Alessia: Bye baby. * kisses her cheek* Get home safe.
Lila: You too.

Lila gets in Leahs car and Leah drives them back to their house

Later that night

Lila is in bed, tossing and turning not being able to sleep

Like somethings missing. Or someone.

There's a knock on the door

Lila gets up and goes downstairs

She opens the door revealing Alessia

Alessia: Couldn't sleep. Can I stay with you?
Lila: * nods yes* Yeah. Come on.

Lila takes Alessia upstairs to her room

They both get in bed

Alessia is lying ontop of Lila with her head resting on Lilas stomach and her arms around Lilas waist with her legs between (intertwined) with Lilas

Lila: * plays with Alessias hair* Night Less.
Alessia: Night baby.

After a few minutes they both fall asleep , feeling comfortable around each other

The next day

It's about 5am

Lilas alarm has gone off

She turns it off

Alessia: * stirs in her sleep and groans*
Lila: Sorry Lessi. Go back to sleep.

Lila carefully gets up out of bed so she doesn't disturb Alessia

Lila then sits at her laptop to watch something about her fitness and what she should eat that day for dinner/tea

After watching it she goes downstairs and has breakfast

Once she's eaten she goes back upstairs to her room

Lila does her morning stretches and workout

She starts doing pull ups

Alessia: * groans* What are you doing?
Lila: * grunts* Pull ups.
Alessia: Come back to bed baby. Please.
Lila: Just a few more and I'll be right there Lessi.

Lila finishes doing pull ups and then gets back in bed

Alessia: Do you seriously do that every morning?
Lila: Yep. I made a promise to myself I'd keep as fit as possible.
Alessia: You don't need to. Your already as fit as fuck.
Lila: * giggles* Shut up. No I'm not.
Alessia: You are.
Lila: * rolls her eyes and doesn't believe her*
Alessia: It's true.
Lila: I'm not as fit as Leah or any of the girls on the team.
Alessia: * looks up at her* Who told you that?
Lila: * lies* No one.
Alessia: Well it isn't true. Your just as fit. If not fitter.
Lila: Yeah.... No.
Alessia: I will make you believe you are.
Lila: Mhm. Ok. Keep telling yourself that love.

LW's Younger Sister Where stories live. Discover now