(Chapter One)

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I can't believe this. My life is a mess why do things like this always happen to me? Especially when things start to get good again.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts as a familiar voice speaks to me from the front seat of the black Rolls Royce.
"We are here," my driver says

"Thank you, Mr.Green," I say as I look at the building in front of me. "No problem," Mr. Green says back with a friendly smile.

I step out of the black Rolls Royce and walk on the pavement up to two big wooden double doors. I open the doors and am amazed at how beautiful this place is. I have no idea where I am going and see no one in sight. "Great," I say out loud with a huff before I think of what I'm saying. A horrible habit that pushes people away. Not thinking of what I say before I speak. Me having no idea where to go I start walking down the long hallway in front of me. This place is very pretty with loads of expensive-looking paintings. After a couple of minutes of walking, I hear a loud ring and lots of doors opening. I'm shocked when I see loads of people filling the hallway all going in different directions.

I'm already super confused and this isn't helpful. "Did I go the wrong way, of course, I went the wrong way"

I love meeting new people but at this moment I just wanna find my dorm and sleep. I keep walking straight with my head down to my feet hoping I will find the dean's office door eventually.

As I'm about to lift my head I bump into a very hard muscular chest. "Damn, this man has to work out". As I look up I'm met with a deep glare from one of the hottest men I've probably ever seen.

"I think she is deaf" I hear someone say
"Holy shit man I think you're right" another voice chimes in.

I didn't even notice someone was speaking to me because I was too busy thinking about how damn muscular his chest felt when I bumped into him.

"Move the fuck out of my way," the guy who I'm looking at says.

"Damn, that was harsh, who made him mad today".

"Sorry," I say
"You're still not fucking moving," the guy who's standing right in front of me says.

"Lucas calms the fuck down dude she's probably lost" I look over to see a handsome dirty blonde with green eyes staring at him. "Lucas is his name huh"

I don't know what came over me but as I'm looking the so-called man named Lucas in the eyes I say "Yeah I am fucking lost Lucas so calm down you ass". As soon as I said that I regretted it deeply, I don't know why but it made me feel wrong.

"Holy shit did a girl just talk back to Lucas," the guy who told Lucas to calm down says.
"Lucas finally found his match holy shit". The guy who said he thinks I'm dead chimes in.

I look between the three guys before saying anything. The next thing I know Lucas is saying something to me. "Where do you need to go," Lucas says. "Um," I say not knowing how to respond. "I know how to respond I'm just lost in this man's eyes as he's towering over me.

"I'm gonna leave," I say before I can embarrass myself anymore.

As I'm about to walk away an arm grips my wrist and stops me from moving. A really strong arm for that fact.

As I turn around the two other guys are gone but Lucas isn't because he holding my wrist.


"Talk to me like that again and I will fuck you until you can't stand for days understand me," Lucas says.

I just stood there so surprised at the words that came out of his mouth. Especially since he was just a cunt not a few seconds ago.

"O-o-ok" I saw feeling my face heat up there were blush marks on my cheeks now"

Lucas lets go of my wrist turns around and disappears into the crowd. I hear another bell ring and everyone is rushing to what I think are their classes. Soon all the people are out of the hallways and into the doors that just a couple of minutes ago flew open with people coming out of them.

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