Guidelines for participants

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Please follow your respective judges on the respective reading app (inkitt or wattpad) on which your book is uploaded. 

The submission must have a book cover, blurb and at least three chapters.

Follow and share this community so that more people know of us.

Two entries per person are allowed regardless of category..

Also, please do not change your username without informing. We'll print this on your certificate. Or you can give your name if you change your username frequently. 

We only accept a few books and only 10 entries will be selected for the contest from each category. 

Once the form is filled, you will be contacted through our official email

Also, we hold the right to reject your submission on the grounds of copying someone's work, insufficient chapters and spam.

See the next chapter for signing up your book.

The Gemlight Book Awards 2024Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora