Same thing happens on the next day where Manik reappears with bandage on his head to Nandini's college asking her to drop the complaint as the SI is taking revenge on him by beating.

Nandini finds herself encountering Manik consistently, a recurring presence in the chapters of her daily life. Whether it's Library, cinema hall, shopping mall-the stage changes, but Manik unfailingly materializes, his persistent requests forming a relentless backdrop to Nandini's fiery refusals.

On another day, while walking to college, Manik approaches Nandini "I'm an orphan. No one is there for me. Just living with a friend, who's not even in the city now. Please take back the complaint, ma'am. I can't afford a lawyer also," he says before leaving.

Feeling a pang of guilt, Nandini tries to shake off the lingering thoughts. "Oh, Nandu. Forget it for now. Focus on exams. We'll deal with this after these last two exams" she reassures herself.

It's been 15 days from the first meet. Now Nandini done with all her exams. After completing her exam she walks out of the college with her friends.

"Is he Manik?" asks Nandini trying to hide.

"Seriously, nowadays anyone you see, you're thinking it's him. He didn't come for a few days, and you're already missing him?" teases her friend.

"Come on, have you seen him? Dashing, hot, and when he talks so cutely, anyone would fall for him. She might have a crush on him," adds another friend.

"Enough, you two. If he appears again, I swear I'll end him. Maybe I feel bad for him, that's why I'm remembering him. I just have to take back the case. That's it," she declares, rolling her eyes at her friends.

Suddenly Manik appears with a knife sending shivers down Nandini's spine. She widens her eyes looking at him. "It's the last warning. If you won't take back the case tomorrow, I will commit suicide and keep your name on the letter of my suicide note. Then you can do your fashion designing in jail" he threatens with a deep voice pointing knife towards his wrist.

Nandini blinks her eyes taking time to process his words. Next moment Manik folds his hands before her "Ma'am, please take back the complaint. I talked out of frustration. I didn't want to blackmail you. Please forgive me and take back the case" before leaving.

On the same day, Nandini heads to the police station, requesting the SI to release Manik. "I thought of giving him a taste of police. But, the same day you complained, the TV people came and took him out of jail. Tch, he missed," says the police.

"WHAT" Nandini is bewildered.

"It's common for media people to have complaints and get out of it" expalins the SI

"But.. Manik giving bribe to you and you snatching his gold chain and watch..." Nandini utters with confusion.


"Yeah, he told me."

"So he made me the bad person huh? That's why you should never trust these media" says SI, reflecting on how they were deceived by Manik's tactics. Nandini and her friends leave the police station.

"I can't understand. If the police let him go on the same day, why does he keep coming every day with different stories about his job, family, friends...?" Nandini stops in the middle, looking across the road. Manik is standing there with a smirk.

"What happened?" asks her friend

"You guys go. I will come later" says Nandini, crossing the road.


"What the hell was that? Are you playing games..."

"I love you," Manik says, stunning her.

Nandini glares at him. Manik, without breaking eye contact, says huskily,

"I... LOVE... YOU."

"I am sorry I scared you. I just didn't get any other way to approach you and get to know about you. When I saw you the first time, I just felt the spark. You looked... you looked different. Not just beautiful; it's something more. I wanted to know about you more. I wanted to see you more. That's why I came to you every day. I observed you these days. Everything about you made me attracted to you more. The way you smile, frown, laugh, get irritated-everything amused me.

I didn't lie about myself to you. I really am a software engineer; I just took a 6-month break from it to explore. I just gave the try to my friend's idea. Though I won't regret it as I met you. I really am an orphan. The day I told you this I saw you going to the child orphanage and talking with them. It made me rethink everything. That's why I didn't show up for a few days because I'm literally fighting with my feelings. I know it's more than attraction; I just didn't want to accept it as love. But it took me those few days to realize;

whatever it is, I want to spend my life with you"

Manik smiles looking at her expression.

"I know it's sudden for you. But please give it a try, spend time with me, get to know me. Pleasee" he asks, making a cute face.

 Pleasee" he asks, making a cute face

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Nandini lips form a small smile, making Manik jump in air.






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