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Hey, my name is Isabella. I was brought into an orphanage when I was 3 years old so to be precise I don't know what my parents looked like and why they chose to abandon me. Was I a mistake that one could easily get with??

"Isa?" Camilla called me. Ohh shoot I almost forgot to introduce my Best friend. She was my first friend and later on became my ride-or-die. She lived near the orphanage and would pass every day and every time to visit me. Lucky for her she has parents and is pretty rich. Am not jealous, am I? Just a little bit and that's because I've never experienced the love of parents.

"What's taking you so long Isa? I've been calling you since morning and you are here designing clothes," she said. " Am sorry Cam I was very busy with all this. Even though I know that it won't help me shortly I just hope I'll be a great designer," Keep your mouth shut Isa. How many times have I told you never to say such stuff huh? Today is your birthday and for that reason, you have the chance to have a wish. I know you, girl, you are a go-getter so wipe your eyes, and let's enjoy this day to the fullest." I hugged her tightly. What could I have done without you?

She dragged me to the living room and didn't expect to see a lot of people there. Who are all these people Cam? "Come lemme introduce you to 'em. Cam gathered all her friends and surrounded me which felt weird at first but then they all seemed friendly except for some. "Okay, guys this is Isabella my best friend, the birthday girl, my ride-or-die, the upcoming Kardashian.......I pinched her so that she could go directly to the point. She smiled faintly then continued.

"Isa these are my classmates. This is Mateo. He studies chemical engineering. Hmmm, this is Dylan we don't know what he does, he keeps his studies low-key, or maybe he does not study. We all chuckled except for him. That's weird. She continued. This is Ethan. My boyfriend. Although I don't know what he studies I just love him. She went to him and started kissing. Ewwww that's gross. That's all.

We all sang and partied. I am not the type of girl who loves to party and all that but at least I got to enjoy that I am turning 21 years. I excused myself and went to the park to relax my mind where the remaining kids were. I was the elder so the responsibility was becoming more. I kinda felt bad because the guy that I have been eyeing hasn't come to wish me yet. His name is Chris. He lives in a nearby neighborhood. He was my first crush but I don't think he feels the same. I took out my phone to check if anyone was interested in my designs but unfortunately, no one texted me. "Is this seat taken? I looked up to see who it was only to find it was Mateo. Yes, I mean no.....what is wrong with me .." relax!! Am sorry I mean you can have a seat." He smirked and continued. So you are Isabella. Yeah! That's cute. Cute?? Yeah, it is actually. Combo of you and your name that's classic. "What do you mean?" What was your last day to have a look at yourself? "Today why?" Girl, you are beautiful has anyone ever mentioned that to you? No! I mean yeah. Cam always tells me. "No am talking about boys? "No, I have never dated so I wouldn't know!
"Then take this from me you are really beautiful ." Thank you! I said as butterflies started playing in my stomach. I admit Mateo is good looking I mean!!
"Isabelle, are you studying? Yeah, I am but online ... Which school is that?... The same as yours. Wait what? At Hillcrest? Yeah... Then why choose online when you have the opportunity to explore a lot? The reason is that I am not a fan of many people. Then from now on you shouldn't because I'll be with you. That's not all!! Then what is it about? At first, I hesitated but I told him. Mateo, I don't have enough fees for my needs so I chose online because it is cheaper. Oh is that the major issue? ....Yeah !! He was silent for a few minutes before he said," What if I talk to my parents to pay for your school fees would that be fine with you?"

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