Who's at that table over there? (Chapter 1)

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No ones POV :) (The whole time, sorry for any perspective or grammar mistakes its currently 2:41 AM)

The small outcasted Friend group sat at their lunch table awaiting for their doom to be sealed by the cafeteria food. Pierce lays on his boyfriend Aaron groaning about how hungry he is. Today the outcast decided to eat in the cafeteria for once instead of the library. 

Aaron: "Don't worry teddy bear you'll get your food and the other things you want later~" Aaron teases and runs his hands through Pierce's long hair.

Zane: "Will you two please stop being so gay!" Zane says through his mask that hides his freckles. KC takes Kim's book and slaps her boyfriend with it. "CUPCAKE WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!"

Pierce: "Aaron im scared is this what we looked like when we had Girlfriends?" Aaron laughs and plays with Pierce's hair while KC yells at Zane.

Kim: "Boi fucked up....." Kim says taking her book back, she was currently reading a GL book. 

Noi: "Zane are you actually an Idiot? Your girlfriend's pan!" Noi says rolling his eyes defending his pan pal.

Zane: "KC PLEASE IM SORRY! SPARE ME!" The Emo boy says while being beat with KC high heeled boots. 


Kim: "Oh my god shut up! Mac's sleeping!" Kim says slamming her book down.

Aaron: "Here's a better idea! We all shut up and go get some food!" Aaron addresses the homo table.

Noi: "But we have to wait for our section to be called!" Noi protests and a girl with orange hair ran up to the rejects.

"You've gotta sit somewhere else!"

Pierce: "And why the fuck would we do that Princess?!" Pierce says sizing the girl up to show she was smaller than him.

"Oh shut it Zestfest I'd be sitting at your table to, also Aaron I fucked your sister...." She says checking her nails. "Oh well, when you get slushied don't blame me...." She says tossing her hair which made Kim's mouth drop.

The girl sits at the edge of the table away from the group, she pulls out her camera and starts recording.

"EVERYONE TAKE COVER! IN 3.....2.....1.....There here......" The two cliques that were closes to the door to reveal a stunning squad that walked in slow motion.

Noi: "Does anybody hear runway music?"He says looking around

 Aaron and Zane sigh

Aaron & Zane: "Oh god not her...." They boys say referring to the leader, a fierce black cat known as Aphmau Shalashaska. 

The veggie lover known as Mac sits up from leaning on her 'friend' Kim.

Mac: "Why the fuck are they walking in slow motion? Whatever their on I need to find me some...."

Pierce: "Why the hell are they getting closer?!" The tall man says sitting up from his boyfriend's lap to fix his hair. 

The squad stand in front of the Queers who were crowding the table.

Aphmau: "Move it losers! This tables reserved!" She says eyeing the table. 

Kim: "Why? I dont see a name on it!" Kim says not even looking up from her book. The girl with Raven Hair and pink eyes pick up Kims book and flips through it, she wore a sexy but lazy outfit, while the leader wore a crop top and shorts, and one with white hair wore almost the same thing but there's one thing that stuck out about the last sibling to the table full of Queers even though he just wore a white v-neck with a blue jacket with faded jeans. Nothing more nothing less.

???: "Hey Ava you should give it bac- Oh my Irene is that girl from the sea? I love that book!" The male sibling said trying to take It back from the girl named Ava.

???: "Isn't that a gay book?" The girl with white hair says, "By the way I LOVE your boots! So fetch!" She says talking to KC.

Ava: "Kitty stop trying to make fetch a thing!" Ava says squabbling with her sister while the Queen Bee buzzes with rage. 

???: "Actually if you were to stand up you'd see our name is engraved into this table, you could see that if you stood up!" The boy said with a fake smile.

Zane: "Nice try buddy!" Zane seethes holding his ground.

???: "Welp we tried let's go eat in the library!" The boy says trying to walk away.

Ava: "No no no Baby brother, we don't eat anywhere else except this table, and that's that."

Kitty: "Sorry gentlemen and sorry excuse for ladies, we'll expect you~" She says winking at KC which made her cheeks heat up and Zane grip the table in rage. "Our dear baby brother Ein's still learning the ropes...." She said with fake sympathy.

Ava: *scoffs* "Just move it losers, our table our rules..." She says looking up at Pierce with pure disgust,

Aphmau: "So your the bitch who stole my man!" The short woman says.

Pierce: "A bitch is a female dog, call me a man whore instead, he found out he was gay in the middle of laying you." He taunts. 

Kitty: "We can- well Ein cant but we'll destroy your life in seconds..." She threatens.

Aaron: "Try us it's what 7 against 4?" The tallest male says standing up and crossing his arms.

Aphmau: "Well the only ones who would be fighting are Ein and Ava...I cant chip a nail...." She says showing the table her acrylic nails.

Ein: "WHAT?! Why am I being sacrificed?!" He says shocked and Ava cracks her Knuckles and neck, "HOW DO PEOPLE CRACK BONES SO EASILY?! YALL NEED AN EXORCIST!"

Kitty: "Oh relax baby brother you've been to military school before!" Kitty says pushing him to Aaron who stood over him.

Ein: "THEY DONT TEACH YOU TO FIGHT!" Ein says making up excuses.

Aaron: "What a shame! The one I went to did..." Aaron cracks his knuckles and Ein flinches, Ava swaps places with him so she would fight Aaron. Other students watch interested and started to cheer  "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" Enclosing them in a ring.

Ein: "We can talk about this right?!"

Noi: "Fuck what I said later im getting my food..." Noi says leaving the table with Kim & Mac following who eventually convince the rest to let the "Plastics" sit at the table they wanted to sit at. 

The queers sit at their new table by the rotting trash can and look at each other asking the same question......

Who is this guy?

(1095) So close 😭 

Heyyyyyyy soooooo I know it might not be everyone's favorite ship or Sibling AU but were gonna make it work, Please lemme know what y'all think of the book/AU so far! I Promis im making an About the Characters soon and im working on a cover <3.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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Boys can be mean to/Aaron x Pierce x Ein/sibling AU/Mean Girls AU/Fem Boy Ein AUWhere stories live. Discover now