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Sounds crazy, right?

Well, the more you start to think about it, the more plausible it gets.

First, let's start at Chosen's interrogation.

In episode 2, Victim personally interrogates (and beats the ever loving crap out of) Chosen. He asks about Alan's whereabouts, and when he doesn't give any answer, Victim uses a memory scanner to cycle through Chosen's memories. He stops at the part where Yellow summons Alan and promptly decides that's who they need.

Some may say that the reason they want Yellow is to find Alan's computer address. However, this is really unfeasible. If they wanted that, they could scrolled through Chosen's memory until they found one of him going into his computer. They know that he has before, the mercenaries saw him escape. So why not just review that footage?

If Yellow is able to summon Alan, it's also feasible to assume he might know Alan's actual location, which is what they're looking for. To track him down in his own world.

Next, The Box.

From what we see in episode 2, the box parallels AvA 1 in many ways. From the clones down to the individual weapons they possess. This box can also be manipulated into powering up and weakening anyone in its contents.

It was used by Victim on Chosen. Originally, I thought The Box was just a torture mechanism, but I started to find it odd on why they'd need something so elaborate and powerful for Chosen. Yes, he's powerful, but not enough to warrant such a powerful holding cell. If Chosen was only able to escape Alan's system after years, it would take a decade or a century to escape The Box on his own. On top of that, they could just keep him paused like before. So why use The Box?

I believe that Chosen being inside the box was more or less a test run of its ability on a less powerful being. This box was designed for a godlike being. More specifically, Alan.

On the Internet, users like Alan are like gods compared to sticks. They are able to manipulate the world around them and create beings at their own will. From Victim's perspective, they'd need something incredibly strong to contain him.

Circling back to the parallels and abilities of the box. Another thing I find interesting about the Box is it's ability to enhance and weaken abilities. We see Victim's strength enhance, and we see Chosen get incredibly weak. The thing is, these abilities appear to only be used inside the Box. Victim cannot travel with the strength given in the box. If they can't bring it out to Alan, the next best thing would be to bring Alan into the Box itself.

Finally, if this is the case, then how would they get him there? That was the question I was left with. Then, I considered the fact that Rocket Corp actually may be able to manufacture a real life headset. VR could play a big role here. If they're able do manufacture a memory scanner headset, and a TV, it's very plausible for them to be able to get enough money to manufacture a real headset and send it to Alan. They would trap him and get him to put it on through blackmail, as they currently have all his sticks in prison cells.

Of course, this theory is very loose and does leave a few loose threads, but it's mainly just an idea, and it's fun to play around with, so take the whole thing with a pinch of salt.

I will update the book based on whether I'm right or wrong! (If I actually predict anything correctly I'm gonna do like 5 backflips :3 )

But yes! That's all my thoughts. I'm most likely wrong like my last 2 theories, but if I ain't.... I TOLD YOU SO

thanks for reading my little mess

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 29 ⏰

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