Chapter Fourteen: May 28th, 1821

Start from the beginning

They stopped dead in their tracks, glanced at each other, then slowly turned their heads. "Kallie!" Minnie cried out once their eyes met. The two best friends ran to each other, then embraced each other as tears began to fall. "You're alive!" They held one another for a while, then Minnie finally released her.

"David." Kallie smiled through her tears while embracing him. 

"You are okay, right?" Minnie asked with concerning eyes as Kallie let go of David.

"Yes, I am."

"Good." Minnie spoke.

"Now what the hell were you thinking?" both David and Minnie shouted at her.


"You scared us half to death!" David yelled.


"You could have been killed!" Minnie also yelled. 

"I'm sorry for scaring you both. But I've been safe the whole time, I promise. While I've been safe most of the time. There was this bear and then I got scarlet fever." she said as casual as ever.

"A bear!" David exclaimed.

"What do you mean you got scarlet fever?" Minnie exclaimed next.

"And you have gotten through all of this alone?" asked David.

Kallie smiled. "No, not alone." 

"Oh my," Minnie looked at David. "She met someone." 

"Who in the world could she have met out here?"

"Well...I actually met two someone's." They each stared at her with wide eyes. "It's a little complicated."

"Well, where are they? I would like to meet these men." Minnie asked eagerly. 

Kallie turned to see Tucker and Jamison coming out into the open. 

"Oh." Minnie gasped.

"Oh? What kind of oh was that?" David asked, insulted. 

"Oh, stop and introduce us to the nice men."

David approached Tucker and Jamison. Kallie wondered for a moment if David was puffing his chest out. "Hello, my name is David James." he spoke in a deeper voice and firmly shook their hands. Minnie and Kallie couldn't help but snicker at how intimidated David was at the moment. Kallie had to admit, Tucker and Jamison were both equally intimidating. But the two of them were double that standing side by side. It was enough to make any man quiver. 

"This is my wife, Minnie James." Each man delicately shook her hand, Kallie swore Minnie was blushing.

"So, what are you two doing here?" Kallie finally asked.

David and Minnie exchanged worried looks. "Christopher is looking for you." said David.

"First of all, we are here because we were worried and needed to find you and help you if you needed it. Although I can see you've been in good hands." Minnie winked at her. 

"Christopher should still be searching the west village. But he's going to start searching the forest next. We were hoping to find you before he did." 

Kallie stared at the ground. "I know he's looking for me. Which is why I am still in the forest. My plan was to get to the west village, but I knew Christopher would find me there."

"So now what is your plan?" Minnie asked.

"Well," Kallie looked at Tucker and Jamison. "It is a long story. Why don't we all start walking."  

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