Chapter 1: Prologue

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Tragedy hasn't been a thing that the Arctic Kingdom has experienced in a while. The kingdom was known as one of the most peaceful ones in the world since the Server War ended a couple of decades ago. As all stories go though, peace could never last forever.

Although, this isn't where our story starts.

Thousands of years ago, when humans were starting to become a thing, the gods were trying to make the world habitable for them to grow and evolve as a species. One of their main issues was the Phoenix. Since it would rebirth whenever they would kill it, it was a bit difficult to get rid of it. Even if they were gods, they couldn't destroy a whole species with a snap of a finger. What they could do though was have it rebirth into a new thing.

A flower was what they chose. Something that wouldn't cause trouble to any other species.

That's at least what they thought. When they saw their mistake, it was too late to intervene.

Around 80 years before the present time, a person found this flower in the middle of the forest that he was exploring. His name was Dream, 21 at the time, and he was curious about the flower. It didn't look normal, with a sunset color scheme and a slight glow to it that reminded Dream of the glow berries in the caves that he had explored.

He ran his fingers gently along one of the petals and was filled with a warm feeling. He noticed that the small cuts on his hand that he gained from exploring started to disappear, they didn't even leave a scar.

This fascinated Dream, it was like a healing potion except those still left scars and took a few minutes to kick in fully. This worked instantly, without the fatigue that came with a normal healing potion.

Dream gasped and ran back to his village to share his findings with his two best friends George and Sapnap. Neither of them knew about the flower's ability to stop aging. They found out later that the flower kept reverting them to the age that they were when they first interacted with it.

When they realized that they could live forever, they then took more precautions with the flower, making sure that nothing could destroy it or take it away from them.

It was pointless though, the flower was still known through tales and myths so it was only a matter of time before someone found it.

A week before the present day, The Queen of The Arctic Kingdom got deathly ill. No one knew what her sickness was but it was bad. She was also pregnant, about to have the first blood prince of the royal family. The King knew about the tales of the golden flower and he knew that this flower could have the potential to heal his wife and save both her and their child. He ordered his guards to search the forests to find this flower so that they could create a cure to save The Queen and the future prince.

The guards eventually found the flower, stumbling upon the leaf basket that covered it, and quickly dug up the flower, being careful to not disturb the roots.

They didn't know that a man in a white mask was watching from a distance, glaring at the guards as they took his prized possession away.

The good news was that The Queen was saved. The flower was given to the royal nurse who turned it into a potion to give to The Queen. It was a tragedy that was avoided and everyone in the kingdom celebrated except for a trio that stayed in the shadows. No one paid attention to them during the celebration which was completely in their favor.

Not long later, The Queen gave birth to a healthy baby boy who had two small puffy golden wings on his back. The prince was named Theseus, thanks to a certain Greek mythology-obsessed prince.

This was a huge day for the kingdom, the citizens threw a festival to celebrate the prince's birth. In celebration, the King, Queen, and the other two princes lit up a lantern and used a bit of magic to have it fly in the air.

Everyone was happy. The King and Queen were happy to have another child while the two princes were excited to have a little brother. The citizens loved him, even if he was barely a day old.

Happiness couldn't last forever though.

Dream had a plan. A plan that he didn't bring up with Sapnap or George in fear that they would disagree but it was one he was going to carry out anyway. If he failed, he didn't have much time to live anyway. The three of them have been using the flower for a little over 80 years now. A week without it and they would be a little over a hundred years old, meaning that they would most likely die.

That was something that Dream was not looking forward to, and he figured that Sapnap and George weren't either.

He entered the nursery by climbing up to the balcony and picking the lock on the door. For being a castle of one of the most powerful kingdoms, it was easy to break into it. All he had to do was wait for the small window in time where no guards were at the lowest section of the wall and then he was able to climb over it with a grappling hook. He then used the hook to scale the building by hooking it onto one of the balcony bars. Dream slid the glass door slowly so he would not make noise and stepped into the nursery. The new prince was sleeping in a wooden crib, the name Theseus carved on the wood.

Dream's eyes immediately went to his wings. They had the same sunset color scheme as his flower but with more yellow that faded to orange and had a slight red tip.

Dream ran his fingers through the small feathers, feeling that same warm feeling that his flower gave him.

His plan was set then, he was kidnapping a prince.

Dream stared at the emerald pendant that he wore around his neck. Emerald jewelry was a trait of the royals in The Arctic Kingdom which meant that he had to get rid of it.

Dream held onto the pendant to take it off the child but the necklace shocked him. He cursed quietly and jumped back. He hated magic, it also has been and probably always will be, the bane of his existence. The necklace was enchanted so that only the prince and the people who the prince trusted could properly touch it. If you didn't meet those expectations then you would get shocked. It was a precaution to stop people from stealing the jewelry. Dream quickly threw the necklace off the child and shook his hand that had burnt fingertips.

Dream huffed and went to pick up the kid when he woke up and started to cry. His cries were loud, and Dream wouldn't be surprised if the whole castle heard them which is a huge issue. Dream tried to calm down the child but had no luck. Dream quickly snatched the child and went to run out the balcony door. Just as Dream was about to make his escape, he heard the large double doors that led to the hallway slowly open.

There was a kid hiding half of his body behind the door. Dream was able to make out the messy brown hair and the tired but curious brown eyes of one of the princes. Realization hit the prince like a truck but before he could call a guard or worse his father, Dream jumped down from the balcony and ran as fast as he could to the forest, not even knowing where he was going.

He eventually stopped after about 2 hours of running. He took many weird turns and routes but he recognized where he was. He would come here a lot with Sapnap and George as kids. If his memory was serving him right, there should be a large tower around here somewhere that was secluded enough to take care of the child.

Dream found the overgrown cave that led to the area of the tower after only 20 minutes of wandering around. The tower was old but it was sturdy, it just needed some upgrades. He walked up the spiral stairs to the top of the tower and collapsed on the old couch that was up there. He coughed at the dust that came up from it and held the child closer to his chest so he wouldn't get too much dust in his face.

Dream looked around the large room and made several mental notes on the things that he would need to work on if he was going to be practically living here. Dream needed to change the kid's name though, Theseus was a unique name that would easily get recognized if he were to run away one day. Dream would never let that happen, no one was going to take away his flower for the second time.

Then, it dawned on him.

He was going to have to raise a kid.

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