"Fred Weasley a hero to old women." George laughed as Fred returned to us.

"That was very sweet of you to help her, Fred." I said smiling at him.

"No biggie." Fred said waving it off, "It's what we are suppose to do. Help those in need. She also pointed me to the direction of the cinema."

"Where is it?" Ron asked and Fred looked around until pointing north.

"That way, my wittle Ronnykins." Fred said grinning at Ron who looked annoyed by the nickname.

"Relax Ronny." I laughed.

"Not you too, Allie." He huffed and we all began to walk towards the cinema. Hopefully not getting lost this time.

"I wonder what will be showing today." I told Fred as we walked next to each other, "I'm not really up to date with muggle films."

"Are there any good ones?" Fred asked me.

"Well I like Nightmare Before Christmas, it came out last year. I managed to catch it on the telly at Grandma Kindle's. It's not really scary. More of an animated musical." I explained.

"Animated? What is that?" He asked me.

"Didn't pay much attention to muggle studies?" I asked him, and he shook his head, "Well it's basically moving art, but not made of real people. It's drawings or in Nightmare Before Christmas case, moving clay dolls."

"It's amazing what Muggles can make." Fred said and I nodded my head.

"Wait till you see the cinema." I told him. We walked down the street and turned around the corner. I smiled seeing the small building that was the cinema.

It wasn't much to look at. It was really small compared to the ones in London and near my aunt and uncle's. There was a small line to the ticket booth, so we decided to see what was playing.

"Leprechaun 2? How scary can that be?" George laughed seeing it listed.

"Leprechauns are scary?" Fred laughed, "Muggles tend to be scared of everything?"

"No, but to Muggles, leprechauns are not real." I told them in a hushed voice.

"We should see it then. See how scary it can be." Ginny said, "It could be educational in a way."

"Merlin, have you been hanging around Hermione, Ginny?" Ron asked and I laughed a little as she punched him in the arm playfully.

"I agree with Ginny. How scary can it be?" George laughed.

"Just wait and see boys." I told him and Fred.

We stood in line for a while. I explained to them how it worked with getting tickets. I pulled out some muggle money from a small purse that I wor and handed them the correct amount and then ordered my ticket.

"You know you're suppose to be seventeen." The ticket seller told me.

"Right, I'm close to turning seventeen in a few months." I explained to them.

"If your not seventeen, then no movie." They said and I let out a sigh.

"I'm seventeen." George lied walking up to the booth, "She's with me along with them." He pointed at Ron and Ginny.

"Alright, next time let your brother buy the ticket." The guy told me and Fred started laughing a little. I shot him a glare.

"Right, sorry about that. You know how sisters can be stubborn at times." George laughed and I crossed my arms.

Heaven Can Wait Deep Down in Your Eyes ❖ BK 2 ❖ Fred.W ❖Where stories live. Discover now