when they see you dance

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as he would see you dance randomly he would smile and even sometimes cast some magic music spell to give it more of a romantic fun mood


she's joining you she likes spending time with you even when your danceing and she cant hold you while doing it but its still fun to do


you've both danced before and each one is filled with joy and love


he'll just watch from afar liking to see you in your moment with all the tree's and plants around you even when the birds tweet you always mange to stay on beat with them


she will watch you for a moment before looking away finding it weird how you can dance when everyone is around


she'll giggle finding your little dancing moment cute before she just watches as she gets lost in your movements 


he's defiantly lost in the way you dance and when you offer your hand out to him he went to decline but you grab his hand and you both dance together which makes him smile a little

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