Chapter 16: Safe and Sound

Start from the beginning

"Wizard King," came Nozel's voice

Julius spun around as Nozel approached him

"Is she o-okay?" Julius cried, seeing Y/n in Nozel's arms

"Yes. Bruised and beaten but okay," Nozel explained. "She fell asleep on the way here."

"What happened?" Marx asked, appearing at Julius's side

Nozel then went on to explain what had happened to the girl

"Ashlynn De la Rue...." Marx spoke to himself. "She's the middle child of the noble De la Rue family and a member of the Coral Peacocks."

"You're telling me a fellow magic knight did this?!" Nozel said, louder than his usual speaking tone

"Unfortunately, yes I am," Marx confirmed

Julius had been quiet the entire time before he finally spoke up

"Let's take Y/n inside first. Then we are going to pay the De la Rue family a visit."

"Yes sir."

"Of course Wizard King."

The 4 of them headed inside and brought Y/n to a room in the infirmary. Nozel gently laid her down on the bed as Owen began treating and dressing her injuries while Julius, Marx and Nozel stood off to the side

After a few minutes, Owen stood up and faced the other adults

"She doesn't have any major injuries," he said. "Just some cuts and bruises."

"What a relief," Marx sighed

Marx watched both Julius and Nozel's bodies relax instantly, letting go of all the tension of waiting to hear Y/n's condition

"I better get back to the Silver Eagles," Nozel said, not really wanting to leave

"I will inform you when Y/n wakes," Marx replied

"Thank you. I appreciate it," Nozel smiled

When he took his leave, Marx turned to Julius

"I assume you would like to stay here with her for the night sir?" Marx questioned

Julius only nodded, not having taken his eyes off his precious little girl for even a second

"Okay, I'm going to head out sir," Marx said, walking to the door. "I'll be back in the morning to take you to the De la Rue residence

After Marx had left, Julius pulled up a chair and sat next to Y/n's bed, holding one of her bandaged hands

"I'm so sorry Y/n," he said softly, his eyes tearing up. "I should've had someone go with you. I never thought something like this would happen. Especially from a fellow magic knight."

"I wonder what you were thinking about while you were in there. You probably thought we wouldn't come find you, that we'd forgotten about you. But I assure you Y/n, that will never happen. I will start a search party with the magic knights everytime something happens to you."

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