Part Two

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When Lily came home that evening, she found Stella playing her Nintendo Switch on the couch, engrossed in the cozy world of Animal Crossing.

"Hi, Mom," she chirped, "How was your day?"

"It was fine." Mom's voice was flat, uninterested.

Oh, great, not this again, thought Stella, I've got to get more than that!

"Anything interesting happen?" she prodded, "Did a bird poop on your head? Did you meet a hot guy?"

Mom's face burned pink; her words dangled around like awkward mobiles:


"Come on!" Stella barked out a laugh. "Something happened, Mom! You're acting funny."

"Me, acting funny?" Mom blinked rapidly. "I...! No! You play too many games; you don't know how real moms act. Just ones designed for you!"

Stella set her Switch aside and narrowed her eyes.

"I might, but I know you better than them. I know when you're hiding from me."

Oh, great, now I'M the kid! Mom thought, only to take a deep breath.

"I met a man at work today, a new client. A big tough guy called Tiny who needed some help with his estate. His wife died and he seemed to be...going through it. Anyway, he forgot some things so I couldn't help him, and left behind some papers." She opened her portfolio and slid them out on the coffee-table. "It looks like he's writing a kids' story."

"Wow." Stella's eyes widened as she skimmed the pages. "These drawings are adorable! I love how it's about desert animals."

Mom bit her lip, eyes darting to one side.

"Yes, it is impressive. It's not as common for people to write things down these days."

"So, what's the problem?"

"I have to return these to him, but I don't want to."

"Why not? You have his email, right?"

"Yes. That and his phone number are listed on several of the papers. But...God, it'll be so awkward!"

Stella folded her hands and leaned forward, giving her mother a knowing smirk..

"Awkward? You like him, don't you?"

Mom froze, feeling her face burn red. Shit! I guess I have no choice....! She sat beside Stella, heart fluttering wildly.

"He's handsome, but also very kind, patient considering the circumstances. And the fact he's writing a children's story is so...endearing."

"Oooh! Tell me his name. He's too interesting to go by Tiny."

"Paul. Paul Kapurik."

"Oh." Stella pursed her lips. "Paul. Isn't that like, an old man name?"

"Stella! I don't know how old he is, but he's probably a few years older than me."

"Good. Then he's not too old for a coffee date."

Mom groaned and massaged the back of her neck.

"He might be too different for me— you know, a writer and all...and I'm not creative like that."

"You're creative and interesting!" Stella cried, "You named me after Stella Starr, remember?!"

Memories of the elegant, sharp-nosed French drag queen rippled through Lily's mind, the best memories of that college trip to Paris— Miss Starr's flickering eyes, leaping brows, and crackling wit still made her heart skip a beat.

"Yes, I did. But that's different from spending hours writing and illustrating a story."

"Then you appreciate the arts. With Stella, you appreciate drag. What's art without someone to appreciate it?"

Mom pulled her phone out of her pocket, tapping the bright Gmail icon.

"I'm telling him that he left these papers behind, and that I'll have them at my office tomorrow so he can pick them up...nothing else. He's a client, Stella— nothing more!"

Mom pressed "send"; when she heard the whoosh sound, her heart skipped a beat. She shoved her phone back into her pocket and walked into the kitchen.

"How does frozen pizza sound for dinner?" she asked, propping open the fridge.

"How does Paul sound for a date?"

Mom rolled her eyes. She was much too tired for this.

"Stella, didn't I just tell you...?"

A clatter of footsteps broke through the kitchen, and before Mom knew it, Stella shoved her phone in her face.

"I know I shouldn't go through your stuff, but...."

Lily's heart raced. Tiny had already emailed back: Dear Mrs. Sinclair, Thanks for telling me! Sorry, I can't come to your office tomorrow. Can we meet for Scooter's Coffee around four, if that's when you get off work? That way, you can give me the papers in a more natural place. —Paul

Y-Yes, she thought, I do think I could meet him tomorrow. I just can't let Stella get too excited. After all, it's not like she even knows about Josh.

"By the way, Mom," Stella said, "I found out who the new neighbors are. I read it on NextDoor."

"Really? What are they like?"

Stella shrugged.

"Some cute guy named Josh."

Lily froze as nausea rolled through her stomach.

"Oh, God," she gasped, "I-I used to work with him!"

"Really? Is that good or bad?"

"That depends on whether he sees me at Scooter's with Paul."

Stella chuckled and walked away, muttering under her breath:

"My own a love triangle...! Who would've thought?!" 

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