"Well, just like the leeches are sayin', these three bodies were dumped here little over two hours ago."

"I don't think it's a coincidence three non-documented immigrants were dumped in front of customs, do you?" Cooper said to me and I frowned in thought as my team began assessing the scene.

"Well, it's clear they weren't murdered here, so you're right in saying they were dumped here." Jackson stated as he peered beneath the sheet.

"They were mutilated boss, genitals too." Carter said. Abruptly Brustin's phone began ringing and he averted his body to answer it a little more privately.

"Okay, genital mutilation, that definitely says something. What are we thinking?" I asked, folding my arms and observing my thoughtful team.

"Well, genital mutilation could either symbolise incompetence from our Unsub or stand for some sexual act the victims have committed..." Michaels suggested.

"Detective, do we know anything about our victims as yet?"

"Only that they're undocumented and they were all branded as well as mutilated." He crouched beside Jackson and pulled the sheet back enough for us to see the odd branding on their chests.

"That's why we wanted to call you guys in," Brustin said as he turned back to us, nodding toward the bodies. 

"And it seems like it was the best idea. There have been three other undocumented immigrants found with the same branding across town." I sighed and closed my eyes carefully.

"Okay, Jackson I want you to stay here with Michaels and Wilson, the rest of you you're with me across town. I want you to dig deep into these people's lives," I said to Jackson, Michaels and Wilson. 

"Someone knew these people, they had lives and they had families. Decode them. Meet back at HQ in two hours." I said and everybody nodded before Cooper broke off to leave with me and Brustin stayed behind with the others.


Two hours later and my feet were beginning to throb a little as well as my head. We'd been directed this way and that across the city trying to find six other branded and mutilated undocumented immigrants. 

The media were running with the story and I felt as though I was drowning in what was becoming a circus of a city. 

"Okay we've now been made the lead of this case so everyone's setting up shop here, Detectives once we've all been briefed we'll give you what we can and you can start posting your men as soon as possible." I announced as I entered the mini-bullpen and hurried through the desks towards my office.

"Uh boss..." Jackson said, tilting his head and pointing to my office once I'd turned my back on it to deliver the rest of my little speech to everyone. 

"What's wrong?" I turned to look over my shoulder to find my dad and Morgan standing in the doorway of my office; the rest of the team slightly visible behind them. 

My dad was slightly smiling and Morgan was grinning at me. Through the frosted glass, I could see the bright coloured bubble that was Penelope Garcia.

"What're you guys doing here?" I gushed as everyone began moving behind me; phones ringing and voices talking. I hurried up the stairs and ushered my dad and Morgan back into my office.

"We've just arrived." Dave explained. 

The entire team was here. I gulped. What was going on?

"The Director didn't call you?" My dad asked a little confused.

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