Chapter Three

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Seven and half weeks quickly past by. Draco was still toying with potions, to find the best mix for Harry. It wasn't proving easily, but at least now Harry had some of his Appetite back and he was starting to gain a little bit of weight back. He wasn't looking so sick and was nearly back to his old self. Almost. Because of the attack, Harry's leg was permanently damaged. Harry needed a cane when he walked more then a few feet, to keep his weight off it. Harry's leg just couldn't handle his weight. Harry's mental state? Started showing sometimes, late at night when he was alone with Draco. He'd get real depressed. Hating himself more and wishing the attack had killed him. Draco was finding empty liquor bottles in his trash can, most mornings. Harry often drank at night. Draco, without being stable himself, didn't know how to properly help him.

Draco? Wasn't sure what he felt, but Draco felt this need to be around Harry. Maybe it was because he was taking care of him, or maybe it was something more. Draco assumed it was simply because he had been taking care of harry and how much his children cared for Harry. It meant a lot to Draco that Harry cared for his children like his own. The children loved having Harry around, very much. Draco? Was having more and more dark nights, feeling alone. Often times ending the night with a knew cut on his wrist. That therapist Peter found him, wasn't helping. The medicines wasn't helping, nothing did. He felt alone and unwanted. The love his children had for him, didn't feel like enough sometimes. He only kept pushing forward because he didn't want his children to be orphans. He didn't want to cause them more pain. He just couldn't do that to them.

Today? Was finally Christmas. The children kept up late last night, talking to Peter, who slept on the couch when Harry made his way down the stairs. The house still quiet, but he wasn't the only one up. Draco was. The smell of coffee reached his nose quickly and walked himself to the kitchen. Harry poured himself a mug of coffee and joined Draco at the table. Taking the sit beside him. "I...wanted to thank you." Harry said. "For?" Draco asked, putting his mug down on the table and looked at him. "I'm about as well as I can be, yet, you haven't so much has hinted on me leaving." Harry pointed out. "There's no telling when the potion might stop working... Nothing before has been wrote about." Draco said, but Harry smiled. "Maybe so, but somebody I'm sure would tell you." Harry said. " wanting to leave?" Draco asked, sounding almost disappointed. "No. I wouldn't dream of it. I love Sarah and Andy. Rose loves her 'big brother and sister' when she is over. I enjoy your company and I'm used to grumpy over there." Harry said and Draco chuckled. "He does mean well, Harry." Draco said. "I know." Harry said, looking at Draco. "Have you... thought about dating again, since your wife?" Harry asked. "No. It's a lot to bring somebody in on." Draco said. "Unless, they already knew everything." Harry said. "Whom exactly did you have in mind?" Draco said. He got answered, but a peck on his lips by Harry's stained coffee lips. Draco froze. That was the last thing he expected. Harry simply took a drink of his coffee, watching the puzzled blond. "You don't have to...I don't even think you are gay, but you must understand my thoughts and feelings, Draco." Harry said, starting to finish his coffee. "I's because I have took care of you, Harry." Draco finally said. Harry half Draco half a smile, a bit hurt by his reply. "No. I feel in love with you a long time ago. It just wasn't possible, and I understand if that is still the case, but I don't...know how much longer I can stay here, and with you. I'll be involved, with the kids,'s getting painful, Draco." Harry said. Harry dumped the remainder of his coffee and disappeared back up the stairs.

Harry reminded there. Draco told Sarah is was aching. Draco had managed to find a potion that blocked her abilities, until she was older or until she learned to do it herself. Which, she was still young and didn't know how. He told Sarah he needed he rest that she could spend some time with him later, after they finished opening their gifts. Sarah and Andrew were taking their new things to their room, so Peter followed the puzzled blond to the kitchen. Draco pulled himself another cup of coffee. "He isn't hurting, I checked." Peter said. "Not that kind, Peter." Draco said, grabbing the Hazel nut creamer form the refrigerator. "I don't understand." He said. "He kissed me. I don't think he expected me to reject him...The problem is now, I don't think he'll stay much longer." Draco said. "You really don't see it, do you?" Peter said, grabbing a cup. "Excuse me?" Draco huffed. "You like him Draco. More then just friends. Even that woman, Hermione, sees it." Peter said. "I do not!" Draco nearly hissed. "You're lying to yourself then. You'll regret it and not just because of the kids. Because you do care about him, a lot more then you think." Peter said, taking his cup of coffee to the living room and started to clean up the mess left by the two children. The gifts for toddler Rose still under the tree, she'd be there later today. To spend time with Harry.

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