Draco hung the phone back up. "He doesn't like me and wouldn't understand why are you here, unless he thinks your my brother, however, you have more knowledge of this world, so, half. Please, keep face? He very much dislikes me." Draco said. "Who is he?" Harry asked and Draco walked out of sight and grabbed a picture off the way. That last Christmas he spent with his wife, everybody knew she was going to died, so she invited her siblings over for one final Christmas with them. Draco handed Harry the photograph. She sat outside on the wall, holding the arm of a woman, just a year younger. Behind them stood three more adults. Her two big brothers and her step sister, older as well. "Peter, the oldest, is a doctor. He never trusted me, didn't liked he couldn't find more information on me past the day I moved here, but... Amy, she did...She loved me, so, he pushed it aside...but once she died, he spoke his mind, very clearly." Draco said. "Your boy, is a brunette." Harry said. "She was too, light, but still brunette." Draco said, pulling his wallet out his pocket. He pulled out a small Photo. A photo of the four of them, before she feel sick, shortly after the birth of their daughter and handed it to Harry.
The boy was held by Draco, looking all wide eyed at the infant girl, who wasn't happy that day. Draco chuckled. "She wasn't a happy girl. Until she was two, she very much disliked having her photo took. We'd have to book two hours to get a proper picture of her. It was our second time, Amy? Said oh, well. We are taking it anyway. Andy didn't understand why sister was so unhappy. I thought it was perfect." Draco said, easing to sit beside Harry, studying the photograph with him. "I'm glad, truly, Draco. That you made a life for yourself...I'm sorry, we dragged you back in." Harry said and with a sigh. "Sarah, is a witch. I would have had to face it when she was of age. I just...can't go back until I must, and I don't think I will send her to school. I just...don't see it ending well for her." Draco said. "A lot has changed, Draco. However, in the end, it's your choice...She's happy to learn, however." Harry pointed out. "I'll...think on it. I'm going to check on them, stay on the couch." Draco said.


Draco and the two children bought down a few boxes of old infant/toddler things Amy kept, she (and Draco) wanted more children, but she got sick before they could have more children. It broke Draco's heart, because he liked the idea of a bigger family. "She kept all this?" Harry asked. "We wanted a big lot...but she got sick." Draco said kind of softly. "I'm sorry, Draco." Harry said softly. "Thank you. Kids, get ready. Peter is coming over." Draco said, turning towards the two children. "Does that mean he won't come to Christmas?" Frowned Sarah. "I'm sure if you asked him, he'll come, sweet girl. Go, get ready." Draco said.
A few minutes later, Draco sat Rose down on the play mat, handing her a sippy cup of water. She slowly went to play with the toys laid out for her. "You have any idea what might be going on?" Draco asked. "I haven't been myself for a long time." Harry said. "Right, sorry." Draco said, getting a nod.
A touch after the hour mark, the door was knocked on and Andy opened the door. "Hey, bud." Peter said as Andy gave him a hug. "Sarah thinks your not coming for Christmas now." Andy said. "Your sis has always let her thoughts run wild. I'll come on Christmas, why don't you go play? I'll be up in a bit, I don't work till this afternoon." Peter said, dismissing the boy. Peter then grabbed his bag and walked inside the house, shutting the door behind him.

Half an hour went by and Peter warped a bandage on the bite, after cleaning it, deeply. "Where do you pick up your medicine, normally?" Peter asked. "It's...been years since I have been on this side of town." Harry thought to say, but Peter turn towards Draco. "I'd still feel better, if I got an X-ray, Draco. I'm certain it is within millimeters to the bone." Peter said. "He can  walk." Draco said. "Your stubbornness is annoying. He can't write him the medicine I need to. It's already infected!" Peter said. "Would I have to stay?" Harry cut in. "It be better." Peter said. "You can do it at home, it's no different." Draco said and Peter huffed. "You know damn well that was completely different. What is your problem with hospitals?" Peter said. "Just write me what you can, doctor. I can't spend the night. It's not a wise choice." Harry said and Peter got to his feet. "Amy wasn't an idiot, Draco. She just never had the proof." Peter said. "Of...what?" Draco asked. "That you were a wizard. She wasn't certain, until the pregnancy of Sarah." Peter said. "That doesn't change anything." Draco said, uneasy. "I want to know why you'd leave something you knew your entire life." He said. "It's non of your business." Draco said. "You became my business when you married my sister! Sarah is obviously like you and that bite? Is far form anything of this world. I won't... Keep being so far away, I didn't really see it bothering them so much, but I want to know what I am getting involved in." Peter said. "Nothing that will affect you. Sarah isn't of age. Draco won't go back and I rather not go back unless it involves my god daughter." Harry said. Peter turned to the toddler, now standing on her feet. She was drinking her water watching Peter all wided eyed. Peter sighed. "Why can't you stay? It's been untreated for a while. The course I need you on, can take three days. Yes, I can Get approval for home care, but that requires me here, for that time." Peter said. "What...he has to take to keep himself, is... Experimental, it's not been before. Sarah, need to be close to him, to warn me if one starts to fail." Draco said. "Do I want to know?" He asked. "I rather not." Harry said. "Fine...I'll make the calls." Peter said, turning into the kitchen and grabbing the cord phone kept in there. Draco eased down beside Harry. "I'm sorry...about him." Draco said, kind of softly. "It's fine, Really. Don't let him overwhelm you with questions, though. Hermione...told me you seem to be getting overwhelmed, anxiety?" Harry asked. "I just...don't want to be found, Harry...I can't be. You haven't a clue on what my father will do." Draco said softly. "We won't let that happened, okay? Hermione knows you matter to me. She'll keep us protected and she'll aid in Sarah. Think she needs care for Rose again. She's been working so much and Quidditch keeps Ron busy..." Harry said. "I don't mind you watching Rose, but you have to be careful of your leg." Draco said, getting a light smile form Harry. "I promise." Harry said.

Peter turned a short time later to the living room. "I have to work my shift this afternoon, but I'll bring back what I need." He said, before he went upstairs, to visit the children.
Sarah and Andrew held onto him tightly when it came time to leave. "I'm coming back, bugs." Peter said, giving them both a kiss on their head. "Promise?" Sarah stiffled. "I promise, I didn't...mean to be gone so long...I didn't think it'd upset you two so much." Peter said. "Christmas too?" Sarah asked. "Of course, bug. Go, go play." Peter said, watching the two go back up the stairs, Draco then handed him his bag. "Who is he, really?" Peter asked. "Somebody who matters to me, Peter. Matters to my kids and to that little girl." Draco said. "Why did you leave your home, Draco?" He ask, again. "I didn't have choice. That is all you need to know." Draco said. "I'll be back after my shift. He should keep off it, until the infection is clear at least." He said. "Okay."


It was rather late when the knock happened on the guest bedroom door. Peter shifted ran over and it took time to get the proper paperwork for the home care. Harry yawned, reaching for his glasses. "It's open." Harry said, putting his glasses on his face and slowly sat up. Peter turned the main light on, seeing the sleeping toddler beside him, nuzzled in Sarah's old baby blanket. "How long is she hanging around?" Peter asked. "Not sure. I haven't heard back from her mum yet. She's likely on a case." Harry said. "Her father?" He asked. "Plays a sport...Keeps rather busy and doesn't like the travel. They used to keep her with me for days beforehand. Nothing knew." Harry said. Rose starting to yawned. "Arry." She whined, being woke up. "Say Hi to Peter, Rose." Harry said watching the toddler sit up and grab the teddy bear. "Hi...Eter." Rose yawned. "Hello, Rose." He smiled lightly. "I'm going to help Harry, alright?" He said. "...Kay!" She said, yawning again.
Half an hour later. "You'll likely sleep the first day or so. It's rather strong." Peter said. "That's not an option. Draco...hasn't been able to break the connection Sarah has to me. It'll put her to sleep too." Harry said and he let out a sigh. "You don't have an option. The infection can't spread. I can write her a noted for school if needed." Peter said. "Suppose... tomorrow is Sunday, maybe by Monday, maybe it will be okay." Harry said. "Get some rest." Peter said.


Peter had just closed the gate to their fire place, a fire glowing bright to warm the Downstairs. He'd changed and gotten ready to try and rest on the couch, but he never slept well. "Tea?" Draco asked. "Sure...thanks." Peter said, zipping up his laptop bag up.
A few minutes later, the pair sat around the coffee table, Draco pouring himself a small cup of tea. "There...was war going on, and my father was highly involved." Draco said. "Oh?" Peter said, relaxing his back against the couch. "My father was pretty much the Dark lords right hand, a long side my aunt. My mother and I, were forced to joined my father. My aunt, made sure we obeyed. There's spells, used for torture, that they'd used on us if we didn't. Mum gave in, she couldn't handle it. My father, started getting worst, when I refused to take part in what I needed to for my mark. My mother suffered for it...and the men at his request, started obeying he requested, to me. It became worst, until I gave in. Most don't know, most don't care to know. I did what I did, to survive. Enough proof was provided during my trial, so I wasn't charged, but my life was over. I was hated and a target for their wands. I couldn't take it, so I left. I didn't finished school, so I couldn't keep my wand." Draco said. Peter just took a sip of his tea. "Why not...tell her?" Peter asked. "I knew...at some point, I would have to, but until that day, I wanted to forget. My head is still fucked up, Peter. Those kids are the only thing I have keeping me half sane." Draco said. "Sarah calls me, about twice a week. I never answered and she never left a voicemail, just thought she wanted to say hello. However, I asked her about why she started to call me. She's reported you upset, half an hour later, coming out of the bathroom, still upset, but hurting. She doesn't understand it, I think I do." Peter said. "It's not your concern, Peter." Draco whispered, taking a drink of his tea. "Amy told me, about it, before. She said you stopped." He said. "I'm telling you, it's not your concern." Draco said, getting to his feet. "I can report it, you know." Peter said. "You won't, because you won't step foot in my house again if you do. What I do, isn't your concern." Draco said. "I won't let those children lose their father! She's scared to lose you." Peter said. "I'm not suicidal, Peter." Draco said. "Maybe not, but a mistake can easily happened. I'm making you an appointment, go." Peter said. "Fine." Draco said, cleaning up their mess and disappeared into the kitchen.
Peter followed. "Please go, Draco. They have lost enough." Peter said. "I said fine. I'll go, but it won't do shit, the medicines don't help and talking doesn't help. You don't undo years of tournament, years of living in fear or years of abuse by the person who was supposed to protect you. Who will kill me, if he finds me." Draco said. With that, Draco went upstairs, the bedroom door locking behind him.

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