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   | Morning | 

Two figure were sleeping peacefully in each others arms .. suddnly there rooms door got open and a small figure climb there bed disturbing both cuddling figure a blonde head boy woke up by feeling weight on his stomach he slowly blink his eyes clearing a vision and meet by a lil cute bunny sitting on his stomach with flower in his hand 

?? :- morning mammaa get up you need to get ready fast fast fast... we are getting late 

(he jump on tae make him fully wake and alert .. but his eye went wide knowing todays special day ) 

tae :- shit ( he curse silently but smile widely when lil bunny gave him flower and quick kiss before running out of the room to tell everyone tht tae is wake..  tae shake his head at hiper exited little bunny and looked at his sleeping big baby .. he chukel silenty before waking up kook.. first he try to wake him softly but Kook was sleeping like dead prsn so he pushed him making him fall from the bed ) 

kook :- ahh mumma Earthquake ...Earthquake save me save me.. ( he stand up from the floor and start running toward door but stumble and fall again bcz of blanket was on his face.. After tripping for 4-5 times .. he finally able to remove his blanket and look around but found tae sitting on bed with hand crossed looking at him with blank face .. kook looked at him and smile widely ) 

kook :- Good morning baby.. (he spoke while hugging tae who was still looking at him with blank face but smile shyly when kook kiss him. ) 

tae :- morning to you too kook now go and get ready we are getting late i m going to guest room's bathroom ur clothes and all necessary things are in bathroom okay.. take care ( he spoke and left the room not before giving good amount of kisses to his sulky boyfriend when tae said he will get.ready in diff. room ) ..

today is taekook wedding  yess .. they are boyfriends since 8 year and having 5 year old cute little bunny total copy of kook . so everyone is busy in doing preparation bcz there wedding is verg big .. They are very famous kim and jeon family.. 

kim namjoon tae's brother and kim soakjin tae's brother in law .. They are in top position bcz of there restaurants which are quite big and classy ..

Jeon min jun and Jeon hye jin both are in bussiness but now both jeon yoongi and jeon jungkook handling the compny... Jeon jimin tae's friends since kindergarden he was park but after marrige he became jeon.. 

| back to stry | 

after and hour both bride and groom made there way toward downstair both meet in the halfway looking each other with found eyes .. they dont need words to express there feeling there eyes telling each other how much they happy desperate to become each others  forever.. They slowy made there way toward each other jungkook gave his left hand to tae both hooked there hand togather making there way toward stairs.. they meet there family members which were standing at the end of the stair with phone taking picture of the precious moment some were  squealing some where looking at them with gloosy eyes.. Taekook were looking at them with wide smile one there faces slowly mrs jeon hugged tae wishing best of luck and kissing taekook's forhead there moment broke with loud giggle they all turn to saw jeon jungtae / little bunny (taekooks 5 year old son )

 Taekook were looking at them with wide smile one there faces slowly mrs jeon hugged tae wishing best of luck and kissing taekook's forhead there moment broke with loud giggle they all turn to saw jeon jungtae / little bunny (taekooks 5 year old s...

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