"I will tell him that he shouldn't be bothering you anymore..."

I knew it! My brother is still kind!

"That's alright, brother. Even if you tell him, he still won't stop. He's a hardheaded one." Yejun sighs in distress. Except for Eunhan, why does all the male leads are so weird?

"He will if we threaten him," Eunhan said with his face still dark.

"W-What kind of threat?"

Eunhan let out a dark aura and spoke. "Death threat---"

"Brother!!! You shouldn't do that!!" Yejun yelled as he covered the mouth of Eunhan.

Eunhan held Yejun's hand and spoke. "Why? It's just a threat... ah, you don't like just to threaten him? Should we tell the butler to torture him, so that he cannot go near you again? Is that what you want right, hyung?"

Yejun gasps and he immediately grabs and holds Eunhan's face with his both hands. He stared at his eyes and spoke solemnly.

"Listen, brother. You shouldn't give in to violence, okay? Or I will not hang out with you anymore. Do you understand?"

Eunhan was silent for a while. He will not hang out with him anymore? Eunhan doesn't want that to happen, but Eunhan is still hesitating, he can't promise him that. There are times when he can't control himself to be violent.

Eunhan knew that he could be violent when he found someone annoying, especially when other people kept approaching his hyung or the female lead.

"I'll... I'll try my best, hyung."

"Very good, then." Yejun rubs Eunhan's head and then smiles at him.

Eunhan hugged his brother tightly, burying his face on Yejun's neck and mumbled something.

"I still don't want other people to get close to you, though."

"Did you say something, brother?"

"Let me send you to your classroom, hyung."



Meanwhile, in a room somewhere inside the university, four students standing still in front of a desk. The one who they call the boss isn't there yet, but the tension and nervousness they are feeling are out of control.

The fact that they are being summoned means they will get another order from their boss, but knowing that they failed to do as they were told, it will probably be another beating for them.

*clack *clack *clack

All of a sudden, the sound of steps from high heels resonated with the whole room. The lady who entered the room is walking elegantly in their direction.

Those four boys who have witnessed her appearance were mesmerized. A blonde and curly long hair, a pointed nose, and emerald eyes that looked like a shining crystal made them captivated. At first, she just looks like an innocent and kind woman, but they don't know such beauty is manipulative.

If they weren't caught from witnessing her being brutal, they wouldn't be in that situation.

That woman just killed a person! She was being brutal. Blood was all over her face and body, and a sharp knife that was soaked in red liquid from the repeated stabbing of the person made them terrified.

She was smiling, she was taking pleasure from doing it. When the murderous gaze from the female came into contact with those four males, they couldn't move an inch because of fear.

Those unfortunate guys are now taking command from her, afraid they might be next lying on the cold floor while blood is all over the place.

"Why did you fail?" she asked the four coldly.

The guys are glancing at each other asking through their meaningful looks who's going to answer.

"You will not answer?" The lady asked as she threw them a sharp gaze.

They all flinched, and one of them answered stuttering.

"H-H-he w-was just too s-strong for u-us." The poor guy is trembling to death.

"What? Too strong?" the lady scorned. "Hah, there are four of you and can't even beat one person?"

"I-It was true---"

"You are all f****ng useless! Rex!"

All of a sudden, a man wearing a black suit appeared out of nowhere.

"What is it, my lady?"

"Bring me my whip."

The four males are trembling in fear, complexions turn pale when they see the man in black handed a black suitcase in front of the lady.

They wanted to run away as they saw the whip inside, however, they weren't able to when the accomplice of the lady was already blocking their way.

They are all looking at the man in black with terror. He was just looking at their eyes, but they already got intimidated.

"Hahaha!" An evil laugh was suddenly heard.

"Are you trying to run away? Too bad you can't." She grins as she lashes one of the chairs with her whip.

"People like you need to be flagellated as punishment."

She suddenly whipped one of the four that the back of his clothes were torn.

"Arghhhh!!" he screamed in pain.

She keeps lashing them ruthlessly while letting out a maniacal laugh. The scream of the pain from those boys resonated with the whole room, added with that wicked laugh from the female.

Those four just take the painful lashing without fighting back. How could they oppose her when it's just a snap of her fingers, that they will be kicked out of the school? They even threaten them using their family businesses, they can't just let their parents' businesses fall apart because of them.

All they can do right now is endure and let this lunatic lady take control of them even though they are already feeling mad. They are already getting beaten up by that metal bat guy and now they get punished? How is life so cruel to them?

After the female was satisfied with the beating she did to them, she stopped. Looking at their wounded body, dripping blood and most especially the contempt expressions they showed made her amuse.

"I'll give you another chance. Bring him to me."

She suddenly smiled. Just the thought of the man being tied up, and kneeling in front of her begging to let him go made her excited. She gave out a wicked smile. She couldn't wait for that to happen. She can't wait to see that begging face of him.

"If you can't manage to bring him to me this week, you'll face the consequences. Now leave."

They don't have any other choice but nod their heads in response. They leave while supporting each other to walk as they endure the pain from the lashes they get.

Meanwhile, after the four left, the man who was with the lady spoke.

"Are you sure you're going to let them take care of that guy?"

The female grins. "Don't worry, I'm just using them to succeed in my plan."

Just wait, and I'll make you mine.


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