My info

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First name: Zion

Middle names: Camie Casmira

Last name: Queen hearts white thorn wood swan good fairy charming badwolf hood hatter winter

What the middle names mean: Camie: Sweet, charming, and strong, Casmira: Radiant, charming, noble

Skin tone: warm brown skin

Eye color: Teal

Wolf mode eyes: Yellow

Moms: Meeshell Mermaid, Justine Dancer, Raven Queen, Ashlynn Ella, Bunny Blanc, Briar Beauty, Madeline Hatter, Ramona Badwolf, Apple White, Kitty Cheshire, Holly O'Hair, Lizzie Hearts, Duchess Swan, C.A. Cupid, Faybelle Thorn, Farrah Goodfairy, Darling Charming, Crystal Winter, Courtly Jester, Cedar Wood, Rosabella Beauty, Melody Piper, Ginger Breadhouse, Blondie Lockes, Cerise Hood, Jane Hook, Pierina Pann

Personality: Fun loving, animal lover and animal activist, Honesty, kind and caring, cheerful and generous, sarcastic, fierce fighter, loving, very loyal, friendly, funny, helpful, selfless, perfectionist, stubborn and cunning and competitive

Dads: Alistair Wonderland, Hunter Huntsman, Dexter Charming, Chase Redford

Abilities: Create & manipulate snow & ice magic

Zion has the ability to disappear into thin air and teleport to someplace else, Her smile might be hovering in thin air as it is the last thing to disappear. She also has the power of invisibility. Like all wonderlandians, she has Wonderland magic. Zion can also break the 4th wall by hearing the narrators, With magical Wonderlandian madness

has the ability to hypnotize & control the movements of humans & creatures with music.

Her tears are made of poison

can unlock any door, a power that will come in handy when she lives out her destiny. Zion uses hairpins to open locks and doors. Due to her accidental door-locking and opening many doors in ever after high

an incredible baker & can even bake small enchantments into her meals.

Zion can do impossible things. These include acts such as somersaulting through walls and jumping off buildings without injuring herself, but the magic only works as long as she doesn't know it's impossible. She can interact with the off-screen narrators, and store and pull anything out of her hat, including Earl Grey who is her mom's pet. She has precognition, the ability to see visions of the futures, and can command and levitate tea pots and tea sets

Zion can speak in riddles

Zion has the ability to grow her hair at will and can decide how long or how short to make it

Zion can turn into a mermaid once exposed to water, she can control water as well

Zion can communicate with every single kind of magical creature whether it be animals, pixies, dragons or even plants

transforming into a bunny, access to rabbit holes

While sleeping, Zion can hear anything from miles around. She usually uses this power to keep track of what's going on

has the ability of magical spells & enchantments, however they all wear off when the clock hits 12 am or pm, has the ability to fly using her wings. Zion also has the ability to cast spells & curses, especially when it can cause mischief

Zion can make others fall in love by shooting her bow and arrows, can create anything using cards. She can create replicas of things using cards. Zion can also do card tricks, card telekinesis and levitation

Ever after in Hell (Hazbin hotel x Ever after high!Zion)Where stories live. Discover now