Because obviously they would; videos of Jackson and Lando's fight at the club went viral, and while most people sided with Lando, he was still advised to make an apology.

He didn't though, and instead, he ended up writing a good paragraph or two about how he would side with Bianca through everything, and that Jackson was the one in the wrong.

A lot of people agreed with him, but, unfortunately, his PR manager did not, but he was in the right, Jackson was in the wrong. It was simple and true—so true, in fact, that the videos going viral actually lowered Jackson's fanbase.

He fizzled out again, and Lando and Bianca—and the rest of the world almost—haven't heard from him since the altercation.

You'd think it'd be over by now, but it's still a battle; one between Lando and Angelina, since she's been on his case about proper looks and making sure his image stayed clean.

It's times like these that make Lando wish he had just finished school and went to university instead.

"I will be safe," he says, voice laced with softness and promise. "You can count on that."

He's thankful to have Bianca by his side, to check up on him and make sure he's okay.

He's still figuring things out, but it's a lot better to do it with somebody by his side than nobody at all.

"Lan," one of the race engineers calls from behind. "You ready for a win, mate?"

Everyone has been saying that to him before every race, including Oscar.

He's not sure how close he is to one, but he'll keep trying.

He just wants one win—one win with McLaren. That has always been the goal.

Lando has promised he won't be harsh on himself anymore, but, God, is it tempting now.

He presses his lips to Bianca's forehead, and as he begins to move away, his hands trail from her back to her arms.

"I love you."

"I love you too," she whispers, and it's still the best thing Lando has ever heard.

He finds his way into the car, and he's got a few minutes to go as he waits for Oscar to exit first. His helmet is snug against his head, and it feels sort of like a hug.

Racing is meant to be his happy place, and he's not gonna let that change.

Then, Lando feels a knock on his helmet, and he turns to see Bianca leaning over the halo of the car.

"Hi," Lando says simply, his eye bags becoming a bit more prominent as he smiles.

"Hi," the blonde responds with a matching smile to go with it, the worry in her eyes subdued slightly. "Do you want something for good luck?"

Lando looks to his steering wheel, then looks back to her with a shrug.

"Um, sure? What do you have for me?"

"Take off your helmet and find out."

Lando has never taken his helmet off quicker in his life.

He pushes the helmet into his lap and shifts up from his seat slightly, enough for him to be eye to eye with Bianca.

"You serious?" He asks.


"One hundred percent?"


"You're gonna kiss me?"

"Good luck?" Bianca raises her hands innocently, and Lando laughs as he places a hand on the side of her face.

Her lip gloss tastes like candy floss, and he's obsessed with the flavor.

Lando kisses her once, then again, and again, and again, like she would disappear before him and he had to try and savor every second of her being with him.

They weren't long kisses either, just small pecks on the lips like high schoolers who just made their relationship official and can't contain themselves; pure and innocent and loving, loving like they had never been with anyone else besides each other their whole lives.

"Okay–you have a race to win, Mr. Norris," Bianca reminds, and he groans.

"I hate my job."

As he readjusts himself into his seat, ignoring the snorts and chuckles from the McLaren crew around, Bianca shakes her head. "No, you don't."

He applies his safety straps and buckles on his helmet once again, and looks at his girlfriend's eyes through his visor.

"You're right. I don't."

Because he doesn't, and the adrenaline from their kiss almost makes him forget about all of his stress and worries he'll probably return to after the race is over.

Kisses can't solve everything, but they're good for the soul—or something poetic like that, right?

Oscar's car exits the garage, and Lando follows his lead.

For once, he feels giddy leaving the garage, the same way he did the first time he drove a Formula 1 car.

He doesn't hate his job, not one bit.

And he loves Bianca, more than he could ever describe.

And he loves Bianca, more than he could ever describe

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i'm just gonna be so honest, i've been having trouble writing this book because of motivation issues, but, this chapter really helped me somewhat gained some motivation back, so hopefully i can finish this book at least before the end of february (fingers crossed 🤞🤞)

small spoiler....i only have two or three chapters left to write (if i follow the plans i wrote down for this fic), meaning bianca and lando's story might be over soon....🥹🥹🥹 but i will say, i do have an epilogue planned that i think those of you curious about max and sareena's dynamic might enjoy :]

i hope this chapter was okay :')))) still working on getting my motivation back for this fic, especially since i want to deliver a good ending <3

xoxo, cas

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